Chapter 17. The Difficult Part of Waiting...

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Chapter 17. The Difficult Part of Waiting...

Now Zhan and Yibo have been a couple for four weeks and enjoy their time together. But they still haven't slept together. And it was not because of Zhan.

Yibo asked Zhan to keep them waiting to have sex. It would give their relationship more depth. At least that's what Yibo said. Zhan saw it a little differently. He found it increasingly difficult to hold back.

For him, the waiting had become more of a torture. They started the day together with a kiss when the alarm clock rang. They eat breakfast together and hold hands. They walk hand in hand to the university and back home. They go shopping holding hands. In the evening they sat cuddled up together in the living room or watched a movie in their room even closer together. They kissed and touched each other a lot.

But slowly but surely Zhan was getting annoyed. He, who never said what he wanted and never had an opinion about anything. He, who in his previous eighteen years of life felt as if he had been in a coma and was only able to watch the life around him happen without being able to influence it. He was annoyed, he wanted Yibo to finally sleep with him.

He wanted them to take their relationship to the next level. But whenever it seemed like they were finally sleeping together, Yibo ended it and asked Zhan for a little more patience.

"Zoey, I'm at a total loss. Okay, I agreed when he said we should wait. But I'm starting to have a really hard time." Zhan told when he was with Zoey in the park and they went for an ice cream.

"I would have a hard time with someone like Yibo." She just said that.

"Not only that. He often comes out of the bathroom dressed only in a towel and changes in front of me. And then I'm supposed to stay calm? In those moments, I just want to scream and run. Instead, I have to watch my boyfriend get naked and get dressed." Explained Zhan desperately.

"I would have jumped on him long ago. I couldn't watch it twice, and then stay calm." She replied.

"Last night when he got out of the shower, I got up and left the room. I couldn't stay and watch the show anymore. I wonder how much longer I have to wait until he makes love to me." Said Zhan thoughtfully.

"Didn't he tell you how long he wanted to wait?" She asked Zhan.

"No. And the hard thing about waiting is not knowing. It could be today, it could be a year from now. I don't know. I even asked him about it, because after all, we were close twice before. But he just said he didn't know. The right time would come. That was his answer." Zhan answered the question.

"Seungyoun told me Yibo's last relationship didn't go so well. Maybe that's why." Zoey said.

Zhan already knew about Yibo's last relationship. The two got together quite quickly. And they quickly ended up in bed together. But the relationship only lasted six months. Yibo thought it was because they didn't give each other enough time.

"I don't know how to act around Yibo anymore. I can understand that he wants to wait and I respect that. But it's so hard." Said Zhan in despair.

"Give him some more time. Or turn the tables on him and do what he did. So that he can feel for once what it's like to have the man he desires appear and dress naked in front of him, but he can't have any more." Said Zoey with an insidious laugh.

"No, that's not who I am. Although, of course it's a good idea. But Yibo is smart and sees through it. That would just be embarrassing and childish. So I guess I'll just have to wait and see." Zhan explained and sighed.

"But just for a moment something else. What about this weekend? Are you coming to our place or not? My parents are asking. They would love for you to spend the weekend with us." Zoey said.

"I think I'll come to you. This might take my mind off it a little, and I'll take my thoughts off it. Plus, I'll finally get to see your parents again. It's been so long." Zhan replied.

Zoey's parents are celebrating their silver wedding anniversary (25th) this weekend and have invited Zhan to join them. They offered him to stay for the whole weekend. Zhan was thinking back and forth. He didn't like being away from Yibo for more than a few hours, but he thought it was a good idea.

The two could do something without the other company and Zhan would finally meet Zoey's parents again after a long time. They were always good to him and he liked them very much.

In the evening when Zhan was back in the flat share, he made a note on the pin board. It said he would be away for the weekend. They had this rule that if you were going to stay away overnight, you had to let the others know. So the others wouldn't worry.

Yibo read the note and looked at Zhan questioningly. "Where will we be this weekend?" He asked Zhan.

"Not us honey. Me. It's Zoey's parents' anniversary, and they invited me for the weekend. I haven't seen them in a while and I'm looking forward to it." Explained Zhan.

Yibo grabbed Zhan by the wrist and pulled him into their shared room with him. "What is this?" He asked Zhan angrily.

" Huh? What?" Zhan asked confusedly.

"Are you really gonna go away for a whole weekend without talking to me about it?" Yibo asked him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I had to clear it with you." Zhan replied shocked.

"Of course you should be. You're my boyfriend and I feel I should be allowed to have an opinion if my boyfriend wants to spend the whole weekend somewhere else." Yibo said.

"Do you mind? I mean, if I spend this weekend with Zoey and her parents. Do you mind?" Asked Zhan.

"Am I not comfortable? No, I'm not okay with it. Because I'm gonna miss my boyfriend terribly. But, of course, I'm not against you spending the weekend with them. I just don't know how to sleep without you." Said Yibo playful.

And there it was again, this playful, this sexual stimulation that made the blood in Zhan boil. Not with rage, but with excitement.

"Ah, this fucking waiting." Mumbled Zhan to himself.

"What did you say?" Asked Yibo and put his head against Zhan's back.

"Ah, haha. Nothing else. It's all good." Zhan replied and gritted his teeth.

He would wait for Yibo, even if it tortured him. But inside, he knew it would be worth the wait. If only it would be over already. Zhan thought to himself as Yibo put his arms around Zhan and kissed him sensually and passionately once again.

 Zhan thought to himself as Yibo put his arms around Zhan and kissed him sensually and passionately once again

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