Chapter 34. You have to...

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Chapter 34. You have to...

Zhan walked with big and fast steps through the corridor and outside to his rental car. He opened the door, sat down and was about to drive off when Yibo ripped open the passenger door and sat in the passenger seat.

"I'm not letting you go Zhan." He said and closed the door.

"What do you want from me Yibo?" Zhan asked desperately.

"I want my husband back! I want my husband to believe me! I want my ZhanZhan back." Said Yibo in a husky voice.

Zhan looked at the watch and sighed. "All right, I guess I have no choice. If I want to keep my plans, I'll just have to take you with me. Otherwise I won't be able to get my flight tonight." Said Zhan and started the engine.

"Okay, I can't expect you to believe me, but I can at least expect you to try and at least listen to me. Plus, I have proof that I'm telling the truth. I brought the contract that I made with the clients back then. It has the date and time on it. And I have a receipt proving that I billed the wine and food we had as business meals." Said Yibo, when Zhan silently drove onto the highway

"And you think I'm watching this now while I drive?" Asked Zhan sarcastically.

"Of course not. But when we get to wherever it is you're going. Then I want you to look at everything. I want to prove to you that I was faithful, that I didn't lie." Explained Yibo.

"Yibo, I don't know what you hope to gain by this. It's been a year. Past." Zhan said.

"Maybe for you, ZhanZhan. But my love is as real and as strong as ever. And I want you back in my life. You're the most important person to me. I was working 16 hours a day and I was just too exhausted. I never forgot about you, I just forgot to contact you during my work. I was under so much pressure. As a beginner I didn't feel up to the task."

My CEO constantly called me from Beijing and demanded first results. I slept for maybe three or four hours at night. But I never forgot you." Said Yibo in a calm tone.

"And what do you want from me now, Yibo?" Zhan wanted to know.

"I expect you to come back to me. "That you believe me, and more importantly, that you keep your promise. You promised me then that you would never leave me. We told each other we'd talk if there was any problem. And even if you feel that way, I haven't done anything wrong. I just let myself get too absorbed in work and wanted to get everything over quickly so that I could come back to you as soon as possible. Yeah, I should have told you or explained it to you, but when? When should I have done this? Sixteen hours of work, an hour's bus ride, some food, showers and sleep. Ten days straight, one day off and another ten days full time." Explained Yibo.

"And when you were on the bus, couldn't you at least have written a note?" Asked Zhan.

"Yes and no. Mostly I slept on the bus. I was so exhausted that I usually fell asleep right away." Yibo replied.

Zhan believed Yibo. Still there were doubts.

"ZhanZhan, can you imagine in the least how much I missed you and how much I just wanted to come back to you? What I was willing to take upon myself just to get back to you faster? I didn't want to be separated from you for four to six months and from the beginning I gave everything to be able to finish faster. And after two months, I went back to Beijing. But you were gone. And nobody knew where you were. And your lawyer handed me the signed divorce papers. Without me being able to talk to you first. Just like that, you were out of my life. You know how I felt? How I suffered overseas and still had to make my work?" Asked him Yibo.

"What do you want to hear from me now, Yibo?" Asked Zhan.

"That you come back to me and we can be together again. Because I can't be without you. I miss you every day, every night. I can't live without you. I've only survived, but I haven't lived I need you to make me feel complete. Because you are my missing part. My better half. The man I love and have always loved more than anything in this world. I want you to come home to our house and back to me. I just can't take it anymore, I can't take it without you. Please come back to me ZhanZhan." Said Yibo crying.

Zhan drove down the next driveway from the highway and stopped the car at the next suitable opportunity. He handed Yibo a tissue and looked at him in silence.

He thought about what he could say, what he should say. But he was simply speechless. Speechless to see how much Yibo was crying, how much he was suffering and how much he wanted Zhan back in his life.

"Yibo, you know I love you..." Zhan began his answer. But he couldn't get any further, because Yibo wrapped his arms around Zhan and pressed him tightly to himself.

"Please, ZhanZhan, please come back to me." Begged Yibo.

"Yibo, it's not that simple." Zhan replied.

" Yes, Zhan, it's so simple. All you have to do is say yes. All you have to do is say yes and come home." Yibo said.

Zhan thought about everything Yibo had told him since before and realized how much he had prejudged Yibo and done wrong. He should have talked to him instead of running away. So not only did he hurt himself, but he hurt Yibo. Especially because he blamed Yibo without knowing the full truth. Without knowing exactly what happened.

He had simply given free rein to his jealousy, wounded pride and anger. And seeing Yibo now, only because of him, so broken and desperate, increased his shame even more.

Even though everything looked like Yibo was cheating on him, he should have given Yibo the chance to justify himself. Yes, everything pointed to it and even Seo Joon, who was present at the phone call, had believed like Zhan that Yibo was cheating on him or was about to do so.

Now Zhan was ashamed, he was embarrassed and he was sorry that he hurt Yibo that much. Even though he never learned to deal with such situations, he should have trusted Yibo first, even if it wasn't the lack of trust, but the facts that indicated that Yibo was hiding something.

Finally, Zhan had to admit that he was not better than Yibo that day when he accused Zhan of cheating on him. At that time, Zhan was very hurt, so he could well imagine how Yibo felt. Only it must have been much worse for him.

"ZhanZhan, will you please come home?" Asked Yibo again. And before Zhan could say anything, Yibo kissed him.

 And before Zhan could say anything, Yibo kissed him

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