Chapter 33. Tricked...

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Chapter 33. Tricked...

Because Zoey is getting married in two days, Zhan flew back to Beijing and rented a room in a hotel near the wedding location. Zoey had offered him to stay at her parents' house for that long, but Zhan declined the offer.

The moment he put his feet on the ground in Beijing, he would have loved to fly back right away. It felt strange to be back here and to see Zoey, Seungyoun and Li Wenhan again after more than a year.

Not that he didn't miss the three, but it still felt strange.

When he arrived at the hotel and sat in his room he wrote a short e-mail to Zoey and told her that he was in Beijing and would be there for her wedding. But he also wrote her that he wants to move on right after the wedding because he has some things to do before he flies home the next day.

Zhan planned not more than three days in Beijing. And he wanted to stick to his plan. From Beijing, he wanted to fly on to Seoul to visit his family. As well as Seo Joon and Hai Kuan, who recently adopted a baby. It was time for Uncle Zhan to meet his nephew.

The following day, Zhan spent the day looking for a wedding gift. For what he had already bought, he had forgotten at home in Surat. And now he had to hurry and find something else. After all, he did not want to show up empty-handed.

When he had finally found something, he went back to the hotel and stated that he wanted to borrow a car the next day. Then he went to his room to check his e-mails.

Zoey had answered him and wrote him that she thought it is a pity that he did not want to attend the wedding party for at least an hour. And that she was so looking forward to finally seeing him again.

Zhan was at odds with himself. But if he gave in now, it would postpone his plan by an hour and he wouldn't be able to make it back in time to catch his already booked flight.

What made Zhan feel even more guilty was that he is Zoey's groomsman and should stay at her side. But he didn't have the time. Even though he set himself the time limit and could change it, but that would be against his plan and he's been into plans lately. Above all, to keep to them. It made him proud if he could keep his plans as planned.

Freshly showered, in his fancy new suit and with the wedding gift, Zhan set off for the wedding location the next morning. When he got there, Zoey was already waiting for him outside.

In her wedding dress and with her pretty hairstyle, she looked simply stunning. Zhan got out of his rental car and everyone turned around to him. Zoey stared at him with eyes wide open. "My God, who would have thought you could be even prettier in a year?" Asked her before she hugged him to welcome him.

"What do you mean?" Zhan asked her confused.

"What do I mean? You look fucking hot. You got even prettier that one year. Your face is so thin now, your figure is amazing, every woman gets jealous when she sees these." She explained.

Zhan raised one eyebrow when she compared his figure to women's. "Ah, ha ha, okay. If you say so." He replied.

"Anyway, it's good to see you again at last. Tell me, where are you living now?" Zoey wanted to know.

But before Zhan could tell her that this was his secret, he heard a woman scolding a man. She was scolding a caterer. The man was upset and talking fast. But nobody understood him. No one but Zhan.

Zhan went to the man and spoke to him in Hindi. The man was so happy that he fell around Zhan's neck. Everyone was staring at them.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Zhan asked him in Hindi.

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