Chapter 36. Our lives...

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Chapter 36. Our lives...

Yibo sat down on the dirty ground in the old empty house and let everything Zhan told him sink in. Yes, of course Zhan had told him about himself and his childhood, but never how he was treated, how he felt and thought.

All this was new for Yibo. And now finally he understood why Zhan just leaves him. "So you didn't really want to run away, but you didn't know how to deal with it differently. And afraid of me? That I would suddenly reject you and love someone else? Because I took away your security when I didn't call you every day like I promised, didn't write as often as I said I would. So it was like a detonator on a bomb, all that was missing was the fire to make you go off. And the detonator was the last phone call." Yibo put his thoughts together.

"As I said before, it is not your fault. You didn't know about any of this because I never told you. When I finally started to live the way I wanted to, free and independent, with you I had someone I loved, friends I liked and who liked me, I was fine. More than fine, and I'd completely repressed all that." Zhan replied.

"What do you mean, loved? Don't you love me anymore?" Asked Yibo quietly.

"I was only talking about the past. I loved you in the past. I love you in the present and I'll probably always love you in the future." Explained Zhan, who stood in the middle of the empty room.

Yibo stood up abruptly, took two steps and threw his arms around Zhan. He held him firmly in his arms. "I feel the same way about ZhanZhan. And all I want is for us to be together again and continue our life together as we have done and planned. As partners, as husbands, but most of all as lovers. You and I belong together." Said Yibo and gave Zhan a long loving kiss. "Come back to me." Whispered Yibo.

"Do you really think it would be a good idea? I mean, after all that's happened?" Zhan wanted to know.

"What else my love? Ever since I met you, I've wanted nothing and no one at my side but you. I want to spend my life only with you. I wouldn't be here if I ever thought otherwise. I've waited so long to finally see you again, to finally talk to you. And I don't want to let you go anymore. How can I live without the man who is my life?" Asked Yibo as he continued to hold Zhan firmly in his arms.

"Okay." Zhan said. Nothing more, just that one word, but that was enough for Yibo. Overjoyed, he kissed Zhan's entire face

Yibo put his forehead against the forehead of Zhan and smiled. "I love you ZhanZhan." He said.

"I love you too, Yibo." Zhan replied. His heart suddenly felt liberated, he felt liberated.

"But Zhan, I have three conditions." Yibo said.

"Which ones?" Zhan wanted to know.

"First, you will officially become my husband again and marry me again. Second, you will never run away from problems again. And third, I want you to look for psychological help because of your past. Because I'm afraid for you, afraid that you might hurt yourself someday. Do you agree to my three conditions?" Yibo replied.

Zhan thought for a moment, but finally nodded.

"Say it out loud to Zhan. I want to hear it." Yibo asked him.

"Yes, I will marry you. No, I will not run away anymore. And, yes, I am looking for help." Zhan said.

Relieved, Yibo held Zhan in his arms.

"But I have also one condition. Before I move back to you, I want you to come with me to Surat and live there with me for two weeks. Meet my friends and see why I fell in love with the city and the people there." Asked Zhan.

"All you want my heart. If it makes you happy, then I will love to do it. But where is Surat?" Asked Yibo.

"It's in India. Uhhh, I just looked at the clock. And if I still want to catch my night flight to Seoul, we should go now." Zhan said.

Yibo nodded. "But first drive to our house, I want to go with you. Your family and I have been in touch all the time and I am sure they will be happy to see us together and then we will travel to Surat afterwards." Said Yibo and gave Zhan a kiss on the cheek.

The two traveled together to Seoul, where the family welcomed the happy couple and were happy that the two had found each other again. Zhan met his nephew. Seo Joon and Hai Kuan proudly presented their little son.

After spending three days in Seoul, they flew to Surat and spent two weeks there. In Zhan's rented apartment and with his friends. And even though Yibo could not understand them, he soon realized how warm, loving and kind these people are.

And when they were back in Beijing, Yibo immediately started planning their second wedding. This time he wanted to raise them in a different way than back then. Everybody should come and see how happy they are again.

Meanwhile, Zhan has re-enrolled at university and will make up for his last year there starting in the new semester. He also looked for psychological help. And Yibo brought him to every session and picked him up again.

And Yibo had thought of something else. On a Saturday he went with Zhan to his home town and visited the small airfield with him, where they met a pilot who has been doing his rounds in the air every day for twenty years. The pilot of the twin-engined plane.

He introduced himself to Zhan and they talked for a long time. And in the end he did a few laps in the sky together with Zhan and showed him the view from up there. Zhan could not describe how he felt, free, happy, relieved, all this and more.

And before Zhan and Yibo could go home again, the pilot held a cardboard box out to them. "They have no one else, and you look like I can trust them to you." He said that when Zhan opened the box and saw two kittens inside.

Zhan and Yibo looked at the two little kittens and were in love with them at first sight. They took them home and suddenly felt like proud parents.

Soon, in just four months, Yibo and Zhan will say Yes again in front of all their friends and families.

And they will not allow anything to come between them again. They will work together on solutions if they ever face a big problem again. And Yibo will continue to support Zhan in getting rid of the emotional baggage and accompany him hand in hand to become the man he is meant to be.

And soon the two will go on their next adventure together. Because there is still an open question: Were Zhan's parents his biological parents? Or is there a secret just waiting to be uncovered?



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