Chapter 8. The New Friend!

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Chapter 8. The New Friend!

Zhan was pretty sure Yibo just wanted to confuse Hae Jin, or maybe even annoy him a little. So he didn't take the talk between Yibo and Hae Jin for full. He was rather surprised that his roommate speaks Korean so well.

"Where did you learn Korean? You didn't learn it at school, did you?" Zhan asked curiously. He was also a little pleased to be able to speak to someone in Korean.

"I had also been in Korea for a few years. But I'll tell you about that another time." Replied Yibo, who was still sitting next to him in the kitchen, holding his arm around Zhan's hip.

"Okay." Said Zhan briefly and then got up because he wanted to put his laptop away.

Yibo held him and pulled him back into his chair. Zhan looked at him confused.

"Just for your information. I meant what I said when I said you are my boyfriend now." Said Yibo and then let Zhan go.

"Excuse me? You're kidding, right?" Asked Zhan with eyes wide open.

"No. Normally, I prefer to win somebody over, but since you're obviously into the whole "just owning you" thing, it has to go like this." Yibo replied rudely.

Zhan, who never learned to argue with anyone, because he hadn't found a reason to do so, since Seo Joon arranged everything for him, didn't know how to behave. He got up and went back to his room with his laptop.

Who does he think he is? Why does he just take the liberty of talking to me like that? I certainly don't want to become one of his many triumphs. Why does he treat me this way? Did I do something to him? Zhan thought so and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his finger.

There was a knock at the room door and Yibo came in.

"Why are you knocking? It's your room." Said Zhan, who was still angry but didn't want to show it.

"It's our room. And I wanted to apologize for before. I shouldn't have been so hard on you." Said Yibo as he sat down next to Zhan.

"It's OK." Zhan replied.

"No, it's not. It's not your fault, and I guess you've learned no other way. You were probably happy to get a new family, too. I can understand that." Yibo said.

"But?" Asked Zhan.

"But I still think it's wrong. I mean you've been sold! You were told you belong to someone now, and no one asked how you felt about it." He said to Zhan.

Zhan said nothing. He had long given up on worrying about such things. It didn't matter to him. His own opinion had never been asked. Probably wasn't wanted either. At that time he had adapted to the new situation quickly and easily. He wasn't forced to, it just happened.

"What do you think about using the days before university to have a little fun together? The others won't be here until the end of the week, so we have four days to get to know each other better." Suggest Yibo. Zhan assumed he just wanted to change the subject.

"Okay. What do you want to do?" Zhan wanted to know.

"Make a suggestion. Is there anything you'd like to do?" Asked Yibo.

Zhan thought about it for a moment, but could not think of anything. So he just shrugged his shoulders.

"How about the Fun Park?" Asked Yibo.

"Yeah, okay." Zhan replied.

"Only if you want to. I don't want you to feel compelled." Yibo replied.

"No, it's OK. Sounds good. We should do that." Zhan said.

Half an hour later they were both on their way to the fun park. It was bigger than Zhan had expected and overrun with visitors. There were long lines at almost every ride. The food stalls had been crowded, too.

Zhan and Yibo sat on a bench in the fun park for quite a while and thought about what they should do now. Line up everywhere and wait? Or maybe change the plans and do something else?

"Since I don't know anything about this town and I don't know what to do, maybe you should suggest something." So Zhan suggested.

"Then let's just go back and cook something together. But I warn you, my cooking is terrible." Said Yibo and giggled.

"No problem, I can cook. As long as you don't mind if it's something Korean." Zhan replied.

Yibo grinned and told Zhan that he was looking forward to finally eating something Korean again. So they both went to the supermarket and bought everything they needed. Afterwards they went back to the shared flat.

While cooking they talked about the university and how Yibo's first year at university was. He also told Zhan who the other two roommates were. Yibo's best friends Seungyoun and Li Wenhan. They are both very cool and have fun with each other. Besides, the three have been friends for many years and are inseparable.

Yibo also told him that Yibo shared the room with another friend from his youth before. But since he had dropped out of university for family reasons, he moved back to his parents' house and therefore Yibo was looking for a new roommate.

Zhan listened to Yibo all the time and hardly said anything himself. He liked listening to Yibo. Somehow Zhan found him interesting. Though of course, he would never admit it.

As they were both sitting at the kitchen table, Yibo held up his beer glass before dinner and said to Zhan, "Let's toast. To becoming good roommates and good friends."

Smilingly, Zhan agreed and toasted with Yibo. Then both enjoyed their dinner together, which Yibo swore he had never eaten anything tasty.

After dinner, both watched a movie on Netflix. Afterwards Yibo took a shower and went to bed shortly after. "See you in a moment." He said to Zhan when he had retired to their shared room. Zhan nodded and wished him good night.

That night, however, Zhan did not sleep in the same room, or even in the same bed with Yibo. Because while he was watching another episode of a series on Netflix, he had fallen asleep on the sofa in the living room. This had been a long and eventful day for him and he hadn't even noticed how tired he was.

Zhan only knew one thing, he had a new friend. And maybe Yibo would really become a good friend one day. With these thoughts Zhan fell asleep.

 With these thoughts Zhan fell asleep

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