Chapter 33. Zhan is stubbornly...

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❗️Please remember, nothing is as it seems. Or rather, nothing is what it seems at first glance. So try to wait until you know everything.❗️

Chapter 33. Zhan is stubbornly...

Yibo has already been overseas for a month now and as Zhan had suspected, Yibo did not get in touch more often. They hadn't spoken on the phone since their fight. Yibo wrote him that he had to work and therefore could not call.

And right now Zhan is in Seoul. He was at the wedding of his brother Seo Joon and his brother-in-law Hai Kuan. A beautiful wedding, big and with many guests. Everybody was very happy and cheerful.

Hai Kuan was waiting for the promised video call from Yibo, because he was eager to show him what kind of suit he was wearing and how good he looked in it. But Yibo did not call.

Seo Joon noticed that something was wrong with Zhan. He grabbed Zhan and brought him outside where he asked him what was wrong. "Nothing, everything's fine." Zhan replied when Seo Joon asked him.

Hai Kuan also came outside to the two of them and wanted to know from Zhan if he knew when Yibo wanted to call. "No idea! He'd have to get in touch with me first so I could find out something." Bitched Zhan and walked away from them a bit.

Seo Joon went after Zhan and grabbed him by the wrist. "What does that mean, he'd have to call first?" He asked, alarmed.

"No plan. He hasn't contacted me in three days. No call, no message, nothing." Zhan replied angrily.

"Are you kidding me? What's going on with you guys?" Seo Joon asked angrily.

But Zhan didn't answer because he didn't know. For the last three days, Yibo hadn't answered and in the days before, he only answered once a day with a short message. So, Zhan didn't know what was going on.

Seo Joon took out his phone from his pocket and tried to call Yibo. But Yibo didn't pick up and also Hai Kuan tried, no reaction. About a minute later, Hai Kuan got a short message saying "Sorry, no time, working." It said.

Something Seo Joon talked to Hai Kuan, then Hai Kuan went in and Seo Joon grabbed Zhan, put him in his car and drove around a bit with him.

"Now you tell me what's going on." he asked Zhan. And Zhan told him everything he knew, he also told him about the fight.

Actually, Zhan had wanted to keep it a secret, but saying it was good. Finally telling someone how he was feeling felt liberating.

"Okay, yes, I understand that building a new business is very time consuming and you often have to work overtime. But you're his husband, shouldn't he be able to spare five minutes a day for you?" Seo Joon wondered.

"What can I say? In my eyes, it rather proves that he doesn't care that much about me anymore. And it showed pretty quickly. I mean, he's only been gone a month and we've hardly had any contact with each other. And nothing's come up in the last three days. It couldn't have been clearer. Who knows, maybe he has fallen for his colleague after all. After all, he's always been trying to get Yibo in Beijing." Said Zhan, looking out the window of the car.

"Do you really think he would cheat on you? I can't imagine that Zhan. Please don't be hasty with your suspicions. Maybe it's really just because of his work. I think Yibo loves you very much and is trying his best to contact you." He said to Zhan.

But Zhan was stubborn. He wanted to believe it, more than anything, he wanted to believe it was just about work. But somehow he couldn't.

"You try calling him again. Right here, right now. Where there's no one else but me." Suggest Seo Joon.

"You and your husband tried to call him about an hour ago, how is this different from before?" Asked Zhan. But then he took his phone and dialed Yibo's number.

"Hello?" Asked someone who was not Yibo.

"Who is this?" Zhan wanted to know.

"Who wants to know?" The stranger asked.

"This is Zhan, I want to speak to Yibo." Zhan replied.

"Yibo has no time now." Said the stranger and Zhan heard Yibo in the background asking the stranger if he would prefer red wine or white wine.

"Give my husband the fucking phone." Screamed Zhan.

"Hold on." Said the stranger. He heard the stranger in the background. "Your husband is on the phone." And Zhan also heard Yibo's answer, "Tell him I'm working."

Seo Joon, who was also listening in because Zhan had turned on the speaker, grabbed the phone and yelled "Give him the fucking phone right now!

"Zhan, I can't right now, I have to work, okay?" Said Yibo, who took the phone after all.

"Yeah, you bastard! Work means you have to choose red wine or white wine! Don't contact my brother again or I'll kick the shit out of you, you fucking asshole. My brother cries his eyes out because he doesn't know what's going on and you're having fun with some guys? You disgust me!" Seo Joon screamed into the phone.

"What? No, I'm not cheating on Zhan. Zhan?" Called Yibo through the phone.

"It's over Yibo. I never want to see you again." Said Zhan and began to cry bitterly.

"Zhan, no, you don't understand. Please don't..." Had said Yibo, but Seo Joon ended the phone call and switched off Zhan's phone.

Seo Joon took Zhan in his arms and tried to comfort him. But for now at least, Zhan was inconsolable. So Seo Joon drove him home where he took him to his room and kept Zhan's phone consciously with him. He didn't want Zhan to talk to Yibo again.

For an hour, Zhan cried his eyes out before falling asleep exhausted. Seo Joon called Hai Kuan and his parents. He informed them about everything that had happened. Then he sat down next to Zhan at the bed and waited for the family.

A little later Zhan's parents came home together with Hai Kuan. Seo Joon and Hai Kuan stayed another quarter of an hour before they went to their home. Zhan's parents laid down in bed with Zhan.

They took Zhan in their midst and his mother kissed his forehead. "I promise you, everything will be okay. It will hurt for a while, but you will get over it. Your father and I are here for you." She whispered and gave Zhan another kiss on the temple.

" She whispered and gave Zhan another kiss on the temple

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