Chapter 15. Single...

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Chapter 15. Single...

"Hello Seo Joon, I need to talk to you..." Started Zhan.

"Okay, but first let me know how you're doing. Do you need anything? Is everything okay?" Seo Joon asked, and Zhan's guilty conscience stirred even more.

No matter how Seo Joon was to others, he was always loving and attentive to him, with one exception. He was always concerned that Zhan was doing well in all situations. That Zhan never lacked for anything.

"Um, I'm fine and no, I don't need anything. I have everything I need here and I'll buy it if I need anything. In case I should ever need something." Zhan hastily replied.

"OK, let's say it. Tell me what you want to tell me." Seo Joon said. Zhan could hear Seo Joon's mood swaying. But he had to go through with it now. He didn't want to wait any longer.

"The thing is, I, I met someone. I like him and he likes me too. And I want to be with him. But in order to do that, I have to break up with you first. I'm sorry Joon, but I can't be with you anymore I don't want to lie to you and I don't want to pretend to you." Said Zhan and felt like a traitor.

"OKAY." Seo Joon replied. That's all he said before he ended the call. Zhan held the phone in his hand for a while and stared at it. On one hand he was glad that he had the courage to tell Seo Joon the truth. But on the other hand, he also felt strange. Because somehow that had been too easy.

When Zoey came back to him he told her about the phone call and she also found the reaction strange. She also knew Seo Joon for many years and more than once she had seen him get angry.

"Just OK? It's not like him at all." She said, looking worried.

"Yes or? I thought he was gonna freak. But nothing. Just a, OK." Zhan replied thoughtfully.

"Maybe you and Yibo better not make an official announcement just yet. I really have a bad feeling about this." Said Zoey, saying exactly what Zhan thought.

l "m single now. Zoey, I did it. And even though I still have to lay low, but now I'm free." Zhan said happily after the two of them had been sitting silently side by side in the meadow under a tree for some time.

Ten minutes later, they both headed back to the shared flat. There they had already waited for them.

"Where were you? What were you doing?" Seungyoun asked curiously.

Zoey looked at Zhan questioningly and he knew that she wanted to tell them the news about the breakup. Even though she hadn't done anything but connect with Seo Joon. Zhan nodded at her and then went to his room. He needed a moment alone. Because even though he was happy to be free for Yibo now, he had just ended his three-year relationship.

He was happy, but he still didn't feel like celebrating. He thought this would be unfair to Seo Joon as well. Even if he wouldn't know about it. But just the thought of it was too much trouble for Zhan.

A few minutes after Zhan retired to his room, Yibo came into the room. He hugged Zhan from behind and asked him if he was okay.

"Yes, I' m fine." Zhan replied calmly.

"Did you do this because of us?" Asked Yibo a little nervously what Zhan thought.

"Also. But not only." Said Zhan and smiled.

"Maybe I shouldn't say this. But I'm glad you did." Explained Yibo and gave Zhan a kiss on the neck.

"To be honest, I'm glad too. But also a little worried. That Seo Joon only says OK is unusual for him. But I want to look forward positively." Zhan replied.

"Come on, let's go outside and have some distraction. Just get out a little bit. All the stores in town are open today. Let's go out there and wander around a little bit." Suggested Yibo and Zhan thought it was a good idea.

The two of them got dressed and informed the others that they would be out for a while. Then they set off on their way out. And with Yibo's motorcycle they headed downtown.

Together they walked from store to store without really buying anything. Stopping at the one or other food stall and eating a snack, and every now and then Yibo, unnoticed by others, stole a kiss from Zhan.

That afternoon, Zhan had nothing else except him and Yibo. Yibo, who asked his opinion. Yibo, who asked him what he wanted to do next. Nobody told him what to do next and nobody told him what to like and what not to like.

After three hours of moving from store to store, they both took a break on a bench opposite a shoe store. Zhan looked up at the cloudless sky, saw two birds flying over him and then turned his gaze away when Yibo took his hand and held it.

"You ZhanZhan, can you and I now officially start dating? So I mean, will you be my boyfriend?" Asked Yibo nervously.

It took no longer than the blink of an eye for Zhan to have an answer to that question. He did not have to think about whether he wanted it or not. For him it was out of the question.

"Yes, I do." He said and smiled.

Yibo happily wrapped his arms around Zhan. And for a moment, neither of them cared if they were being watched or not. But in the end, nobody could have said anything because this was only a hug and not a kiss.

"Just don't break my heart, okay?" Yibo said.

Zhan looked at him questioningly. It was not the first time Yibo had asked him to do so. Zhan wanted to ask him right away why he said this to him. But he didn't know how and the place had probably not been the most suitable one. But Zhan decided to definitely ask him later.

But for now, he just wanted to use the time he and Yibo had together to get to know his new boyfriend better. Yibo didn't talk very much and that didn't make it easier for Zhan. But he decided to make an effort to get to know Yibo properly, even if things were progressing slowly.

 But he decided to make an effort to get to know Yibo properly, even if things were progressing slowly

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