Chapter 6. The foreign motherland.

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Chapter 6. The foreign motherland.

Zhan landed in Beijing and was met by several officers. He felt like a criminal, just as he was picked up from the airport and taken away to an office where he was interrogated again.

Hour after hour went by and they kept asking him the same questions. When was he adopted, did he agree, did he see the money being handed over. Were any other children he knew adopted in the same way. Why didn't he report himself to the authorities. And so on.

Zhan answered everything truthfully. He knew it might cause more trouble for his adoptive family, but they themselves told him not to lie. Because if this came out, the trouble they and then he would get into would be even bigger.

Initially, Zhan hoped he would be taken to his shared apartment after the interrogation. But his hopes were quickly dashed when he was told that without official documents, he would not be allowed to leave the building. He was promised that they would take care of official documents, such as an ID card, as soon as possible, but until then he had to stay in a cell in the basement of the building.

Zhan was once again a prisoner. Locked in a cell day and night, only under supervision was he allowed to go outside into the yard for one hour a day. He was not allowed to contact anyone, especially not anyone from his adoptive family.

Once again, Zhan felt lost. Lonely, alone and excluded. He had lost those people who had so willingly adopted him into their family and loved him without limits and now he had lost that again. And he was not even allowed to contact them.

Again it seemed as if his soul would leave his body and watch uninvolved what was happening around him. He did not talk, hardly ate anything and slept very badly. He missed his family, he missed Seo Joon.

Where are you now? What are you doing? Thinking about me? Do you know where they took me? How will Seo Joon take this? Zhan asked himself over and over again as he lay crying on this cold hard bed in his cell.

The days in this cell just didn't want to pass. Mostly he slept, every now and then he read a book. Now and then he was allowed to listen to music. He was given his IPod and was allowed to have it with him for two hours a day. There was no television and he wasn't allowed to talk to others.

After nine days he was so desperate that he cried and asked one of the officers what he had done, that they locked him up like a bad criminal. The officer said nothing. He was largely ignored.

After a fourteen days he asked if the documents were still missing. All he got was a shake of the head.

And the longer he was in this tiny cell, the worse he felt. The feeling of that lonely emptiness was there, helplessness, hopelessness, sadness and now a flu.

Not even to be able to visit a doctor he was allowed to leave the cell. A doctor came to him and put an IV in his arm. Zhan heard him talking to one of the correctional officers.

"He doesn't belong here. Why is the boy here? In my opinion, he should be taken to a hospital and treated there as soon as possible. Also, he is mentally ill. He needs someone he can talk to. A home." He said to the officer.

"If it was up to us, he wouldn't be here at all. He was doing well in Seoul with his family. He's eighteen years old. I don't understand why they didn't let him stay. Suddenly they said he entered South Korea illegally and was deported. It is unclear whether he will ever be allowed to enter there again. They took him from a safe and protected place and put him in here. I and the other officials simply feel sorry for him. Unfortunately the office is taking its time with its official documents. And without them, he can't leave. Great law!" Scolded the corrections officer.

l understand. But locking him up here for weeks is really unnecessary." The doctor replied.

"The problem is, he has no relatives or acquaintances here. If he did, they'd probably take him there. He rents a flat, but they don't know him either. So he has to wait here. Unfortunately, there's no one here who can vouch for him." Said the correctional officer as he escorted the doctor to the door.

In the end, it took Zhan four weeks to get all the necessary documents and be released from his cell. However, he was not taken to his shared flat, but to a dormitory for immigrants for the time being.

Because a new problem had arisen. Since his university was on semester break, his roommates were not at home and visited their families. Nobody was there to receive him. He had not yet received the keys to the flat share. So he had to wait even longer.

But at least he was allowed to move around freely. First he explored the city. He already got most of what he needed for the university. Then he visited the university, or at least looked at it from outside. Since the entrance was closed, he could not enter the area.

In Zhan's eyes, this was probably a university for the rich in this country. As he walked around the grounds, he saw a park, a pond, a garden, a pavilion, a stadium, a tennis court, a basketball court, and a volleyball court. And this was only what he could see.

Through his shared apartment, even if he couldn't go there yet, he had already learned that he had to share his room with someone there. However, Zhan was not sure if his parents knew this when they signed the lease for him. He was pretty sure that they would not be happy if he had to share a room with someone other than their son.

But he had no other choice now. For one thing, he wouldn't be able to find another apartment this close to the university. And for another, his family wouldn't be able to find him if they were looking for him. Well, he was thinking more along the lines of Seo Joon in the first place. What if he comes to Beijing and looks for me here and can't find me? I hope he comes here soon. I miss him so much. He thought that when he looked at the housing market section of the newspaper

Zhan had been in his foreign homeland for almost two months now and finally the time had come. Finally someone was in the shared flat and finally he could move in. Away from the constant control of any employees and officials.

He took a cab to the shared flat. He rang the bell, but before that he had informed his new roommate by phone about his coming, so that he already knew that Zhan would come. The door buzzer opened the door and he went to the elevator with his luggage. Drove to the seventh floor and then left the elevator. Only two doors away, he was standing in front of the door of the shared flat.

Zhan knocked on the door, it was opened and Zhan stared at the person who was opening it with eyes wide open.

"Hi, I'm Wang Yibo." Said his new roommate with a smile.

" Said his new roommate with a smile

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