Chapter 25. YIBO'S POV - What Yibo is hiding

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Chapter 25. YIBO'S POV - What Yibo is hiding

Yibo sat at the table in the kitchen of his parents' house with his parents and his big brother. Speechless he looked back and forth between his parents. He had been looking forward to a nice week together with them. But what awaited him instead was a shock.

After thirty years of marriage, his parents decided to divorce. And not only that, both of them, his father but also his mother, already have new partners. Yibo couldn't believe it.

He talked to them on the phone a lot, but never noticed anything and they never let on.

Just when he happily wanted to tell them about his relationship with Xiao Zhan, they came with such devastating news. He had taken extra time to tell them about Zhan, even though he was so happy that he almost overflowed and wanted to tell them immediately, he wanted to wait until he saw them and they could see how happy he was.

But right now he felt nothing but pain. Pain that his parents had been lying to him for two years. Because that's how long both have had new partners and were preparing for divorce.

But at least Yibo was not the only one who was upset. Because his big brother was also in shock and couldn't believe it. His brother, the one who always reacted calm and sensible, hit the table with his fist and yelled at his parents.

Yibo would have loved to go home again immediately. He was annoyed that he had left Zhan behind for this. But his parents asked him to stay and spend time with them as a family, one last time in this constellation.

Unfortunately the upcoming divorce was not the only shock, besides the knowledge that his parents already have new partners. It hit Yibo even harder when he found out that his father and his twenty years younger girlfriend want to get married, because the two are expecting a child together.

Yibo's first thought was to call Zhan and cry to him. But he did not. He didn't want to burden Zhan during his holidays and was himself still totally overwhelmed and much too shocked to be able to tell anything that he himself had hardly understood.

So with a heavy heart he decided to keep the contact to Zhan as low as possible to not spoil his holidays. He did not want Zhan to worry about him. He also informed Zhan that he would stay an extra week because his mother had to go to the hospital.

He deliberately concealed the fact that she was going to the hospital for a breast lift. Yibo would have loved to laugh about it, but after laughing he didn't feel like it. He would have much rather cried. Because all of a sudden the people he thought he knew all his life seemed to be completely different people. Strange and shameless.

For while their sons were shocked and suffering, their parents were not afraid to phone their partners while Yibo and Hai Kuan sat next to them. They talked about missing and loving, about plans and trampled ruthlessly on the feelings of their two sons.

After three days, Yibo's big brother could not stand it any longer. He packed his things in the night and left the family home. He told Yibo to do the same and to leave as well. But even though Yibo wanted to, he stayed. Because he had promised his mother to stay a week longer and Yibo kept his promise.

But he also told himself that as soon as he left, he would not want to look back. At least not for a very long time.

With every day that passed, he missed Zhan more and more. Yibo had been at home with his parents for a week now and Zhan didn't react to his messages anymore. And when he tried to call Zhan, he didn't answer his phone. His concern about his relationship with Zhan was driving him almost crazy.

Maybe he should have talked to Zhan instead? Was Zhan so angry at him now that he wanted to break up with him? Thinking he might lose Zhan made him sick. With tears in his eyes, he lay in his old room in his bed and tried to call Zhan again. But again in vain.

Three days later Yibo couldn't take it anymore. He packed his things and went home. He wanted to see Zhan and talk to him. He wanted to explain everything to him and just hold Zhan in his arms.

When he got home, he ran around the apartment but nobody was there. He called Seungyoun on his phone and asked where he and Li Wenhan were and if they knew where Zhan was. The holidays were over, he should have been at home because it was already evening.

"I'm having dinner with Wenhan in the city. Why do you ask where Zhan is? As his boyfriend, shouldn't you know?" Replied Seungyoun, Yibo's question about Zhan.

"I haven't been able to reach him for days. Hasn't he said anything to you?" Yibo wanted to know.

"No man, how could he? He didn't come back home and he didn't call We honestly thought he was with you at your parents' house." Explained Seungyoun.

Panic spread to Yibo and he ran into his room, he looked in the closets, the desk. But everything was still there, except for a few pieces of clothing.

"Zhan, where are you?" He asked himself aloud.

Yibo called Zoey and asked her if she knew anything. But she told him that the last time she talked to him was before the holidays and she had no idea. But she promised him to ask around.

In the end, days and even three weeks went by in which nobody heard anything from Zhan. Even Zoey, who had tried everything, but didn't find out anything. Yibo had gone completely crazy. He couldn't sleep anymore, hardly ate anything and lay in his bed crying most of the time.

Seungyoun and Li Wenhan were so worried that they even called Yibo's big brother and asked him to come over and talk to Yibo. He also came immediately, but also did not reach Yibo.

In the end, Zoey decided for everyone to travel to Seoul and go to Zhan's family's house and confront him there.

On Friday afternoon everyone was on the plane. Also Hai Kuan accompanied his little brother and wanted to stand by his side.

When they reached the house of the Park family, the guards did not want to let the group go to the house at first. But then Seo Joon came and yelled at the guards.

"You're probably here looking for Zhan, right?" Asked Seo Joon, who looked tired and worn out.

"Where is he?" Asked Yibo nervously.

"He is in the hospital. There has been an accident. Zhan was on his way to a spa hotel with our mother when the driver lost control of the car. The car went off the road and skidded down a small hill. Neither the driver nor our mother was injured. But Zhan, however, was seriously injured. He's in a coma at the hospital." Explained Seo Joon with tears in his eyes.

Yibo lost his balance and sank to his knees. Crying, he clung to his brother's legs.

"Come, I will take you to him." Said Seo Joon and extended his hand to Yibo.

" Said Seo Joon and extended his hand to Yibo

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