Chapter 30. Argument...

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Chapter 30. Argument...

Zhan had no idea how long he was in that house looking out the window. He didn't care either. He somehow felt that he or his soul belonged in that house. And just like that time, a storm and thunderstorm was coming.

Lots of lightning and thunderclaps chased over the house. The rain hit the roof of the house hard and came in through the window. The wind swept through the house and left an icy shiver on Zhan's neck.

He imagined that if he was in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, he would probably also be in a house in the forest, trying to hide there. And he would certainly feel lonely, alone and empty just like he does now and then. But also safe.

After the thunderstorm and the rain had passed, Zhan made his way back to his car. It was already dark and he stumbled over roots or bushes more than once. Which left him with the odd new bruise and a few nice deep scratches.

Since Zhan was too tired, he decided to look for a bed and breakfast or motel nearby and spend the night there. Besides, he hadn't eaten anything all day long and now he had been really sick from hunger.

He only had to drive twenty minutes to get to a motel. To this motel belongs also a snack bar where he, after he booked a room, first ordered a burger and fries.

Around 11 pm he was in his room, had showered and tried to sleep. But a new thunderstorm came up and it stayed over two hours above them. Thunder rumbled over the motel again and again, keeping Zhan awake. The lightning also lit up the room, which had only thin curtains at the window, with brightness.

When Zhan finally fell asleep, he didn't know. But when he woke up, it had already been noon. He handed in his room key and ordered a steak at the snack bar, then headed home.

Since Zhan had forgotten to hang the phone on the charging station, the battery was completely empty and he had to recharge it first. And when he turned on the phone, he was surprised. Yibo had apparently tried to call him after all. Because he received three messages saying he missed calls.

And Yibo had written to him. Joyfully Zhan opened the first message, but his smile slipped away. "Where the hell are you? Looks like you met a new guy." It said. The second message was also, "Can't believe you're cheating on me yet."

Zhan immediately dialed Yibo's number and after the third ring, Yibo took the call.

"What?" Asked Yibo.

"Are you serious? You are accusing me of cheating on you?" Asked Zhan angrily.

"Sure. Or why else would you turn off your phone and be unreachable all day?" Yibo wanted to know.

"You wrote you won't call me! And because my battery was dead, I left my phone at home while I visited my old home town and was at my parents' grave. And because it was so late, I stayed in a motel overnight. But thanks for your lack of trust in me!" Zhan screamed angrily.

"I don't believe a word you say!" Yibo said.

"So don't. Since you don't trust me and you think I'm cheating on you, maybe we should make a break!" Zhan replied furious.

"Are you still dense? You can't be serious." Yibo yelled back.

"You don't trust me and don't believe me. So what am I supposed to think? My husband, who I've been married to for a year, doesn't trust me! Bravo Yibo, really, I'm really proud to have such a husband. He thinks I'll fuck someone else as soon as the husband is out of the house." Scolded Zhan in frustration.

"Zhan..." Shouting out Yibo.

"No, Yibo. Think about what you just accused me of I'm hanging up now. Have fun, whatever. Ciao." Said Zhan and ended the call.

Yibo immediately tried to call Zhan back, but Zhan was far too hurt, angry and disappointed to talk to Yibo now.

After half an hour, Zhan received a message from Yibo, "Zhan please let us talk. I am sorry. I am an idiot and I said things I didn't mean. Please talk to me, I want to apologize to you. I love you."

Zhan called Yibo and told him that if anyone had the right to be angry, it was him. Because Yibo didn't keep his promises, and he barely communicated.

"ZhanZhan, I'm sorry. Things have been so crazy here at work that I don't have much time." Explained Yibo to him.

"You have already written all this to me. If you don't get in touch, that's okay and I'm not allowed to say anything about it, but if I don't get in touch. Then you immediately accuse me of having replaced you. Do you have any idea how that feels?" Zhan wanted to know.

"I can only apologize, honey. I really didn't mean it. You know how much I love you and how scared I am to lose you." Yibo replied.

Zhan and Yibo talked for another half hour. And even though Zhan accepted Yibo's apology. It still gnawed at him. And for the first time since he met Yibo, he was disappointed in him.

He would never have thought that Yibo of all people, the one who got him out of his emotional prison, showed him that he can make his own decisions and have his own opinion, accuse him of such things and hurt him so much.

Zhan has to digest this shock first.

Yibo promised him to contact him more often, but Zhan felt that he shouldn't attach too much importance to this promise. Because he did not yet believe that Yibo can and will really keep this promise.

And because his Sunday was now ruined and he didn't feel like doing anything else, Zhan went into the bathroom, ran hot water into the bathtub and took a long bath.

Then he went into the kitchen, cooked rice and made himself a fried egg. He sat alone in the kitchen, watched a video on YouTube and ate. But he did not really like it.

After dinner, it was not even 8 PM, Zhan decided to go to bed. He was tired and couldn't concentrate on anything else anyway. He kept thinking about the fight. And as he lay in his bed like that, tears came to his eyes. Finally he cried himself to sleep.

Look at this cute gay couple <3 

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