Chapter 13. Just a kiss?

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Chapter 13. Just a kiss?

Zhan, Yibo, Seungyoun and Li Wenhan sit together with Zoey in the living room, drink soju, eat soba which Zhan had prepared and talk about their earliest childhood memories.

Truly a topic that Zhan didn't really like, but he kept it to himself. As always, when something disturbed him. But he also thought about what to say when it was his turn to talk about himself. The truth?

If he chose the truth, he didn't really like lies, then he wouldn't have had much to tell. And what he could tell sounded more pitiful than funny or exciting.

But in the end it was Yibo who saved him from having to talk about his sad past. Yibo had watched him all evening long and obviously realized that he didn't really like this topic.

The mood in the group couldn't have been better until Zoey dug out a CD and told Zhan that she had the pictures from his home in Seoul on it. Seungyoun and Li Wenhan were immediately hooked on looking at the pictures.

Yibo on the other hand didn't look very happy. But he didn't say anything when Seungyoun happily put the CD into the DVD player and started the slideshow. And it was a picture of Seo Joon, of all people, that started it.

 And it was a picture of Seo Joon, of all people, that started it

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"Wow, who is that?" Li Wenhan asked with his mouth open

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"Wow, who is that?" Li Wenhan asked with his mouth open.

"Ah, this is Park Seo Joon. He's Zhan's boyfriend or you could almost say his fiancé or husband. Ha ha." Zoey replied with a laugh.

"Not funny." Replied Zhan, who had noticed that Yibo's mood was changing and something dark appeared in his eyes.

" Replied Zhan, who had noticed that Yibo's mood was changing and something dark appeared in his eyes

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"Wow, what a smile." Said Li Wenhan, who also slowly realized how the mood seemed to be tilting.

Zhan thought about what he could do to make Yibo laugh again. He knew Zoey did not do this on purpose but Yibo looked really pissed off.

"Um, Yibo. Could you show me something in our room one more time?" Asked Zhan, who just blurted out the first thing he could think of. And at first Yibo looked at him questioningly, but then seemed to understand and nodded.

The two got up from the sofa and Yibo took Zhan by the hand and went with him to their room. They entered the room and Yibo closed the door behind them. Zhan turned to him and apologized to him, even though he hadn't done anything wrong.

Yibo, however, said nothing, he took Zhan by the hand again, pulled him back to himself and embraced Zhan. At first, Zhan wanted to fight back, but as soon as Yibo had closed his arms around him, he just enjoyed his closeness and warmth.

Zhan returned the hug and Yibo tightened his arms around him once more. He looked Zhan in the eyes and smiled. "You are so cute." Said he to Zhan, and before Zhan could answer his standard saying that men are not cute, Yibo had put one of his hands on the back of Zhan's head and came very close to Zhan's face.

"I must just kiss you." Said Yibo to Zhan and pressed his lips on Zhan's mouth. And actually Zhan should have stopped this immediately. But he wouldn't. Instead, he returned the kiss and wished they could go on forever.

It was the first time for Zhan to want something so much. Or should we say he wanted someone so badly?

The two kissed for minutes until they finally interrupted their kiss after Zoey knocked on the door of the two's room and asked when they would be back with the others.

Yibo pressed his forehead against Zhan's and looked deep into his eyes. "I'm really serious about you. Don't break my heart." He said to Zhan and gave him another, but this time a small peck on the mouth.

Both left their room with red faces and returned to the others. Yibo sat down first and pulled Zhan towards him, close to him. He put his arm around Zhan's waist and smiled blissfully.

Zoey, of course, had not missed this and she winked at Zhan. She also gave him a, I told you, look.

Zhan wondered if Yibo was really serious about him or if this was just a kiss for him. However, if he went by his own feeling, he felt that Yibo's interest in him was honest.

And Zhan could no longer pretend to see him as just a roommate with whom he shared his room. Already on the first day he felt attracted to Yibo and this became stronger with every day.

Zhan would have loved to be alone with Yibo. Meanwhile he had put his hand under Zhan's sweater and stroked Zhan's back. Outwardly, Zhan was calm and didn't let on, but inwardly, there was something raging inside him and he would have loved to throw himself on Yibo.

And the more the evening progressed and the alcohol did its best to release their inhibitions, the further Yibo dared to venture out. He laid his head on Zhan's shoulder and from time to time he kissed Zhan's neck while his hand went on a wandering tour under Zhan's sweater.

At some point Yibo's hand slipped into Zhan's pants and he had great difficulty in not letting it show. Not to let himself go.

Zoey and Seungyoun also seemed to get closer. Zhan thought he saw them kissing each other when they were together on the balcony.

Li Wenhan had already gone to sleep. He couldn't tolerate much alcohol and had staggered into bed drunk at some point.

At one point, it was already well past midnight, Seungyoun and Zoey were on the balcony and they could clearly hear the two kissing.

Yibo took advantage of this chance to be alone together and pulled Zhan onto his lap. He kissed Zhan passionately and his hands touched every inch of Zhan's naked skin under his sweater.

He kissed and licked Zhan's neck and whispered, "ZhanZhan, I want you so much." in Zhan's ear. It was nothing he had to say, because Zhan could feel the bump in Yibo's pants and he himself had trouble to hold himself back.

 It was nothing he had to say, because Zhan could feel the bump in Yibo's pants and he himself had trouble to hold himself back

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