Girl Talk

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"Harmony!" Was the first thing she heard when she got to school. Suddenly all the reporters that were surrounding Mal were now surrounding her asking her tons of questions.

"Harmony, how do you feel about what your father does?"

"Will you ever wear anything other than black?"

"How does it feel to be a princess, a goddess, and a hero?"

Harmony held up her hands and said calmly. "I'm proud of my father, no, and it sucks because right now I'm getting surrounded by noisy mortals so bye." With a snap of her fingers she was gone.

Harmony took herself to Mal's room where she was trying on Evie's dress.

"Thanks a lot for leaving me with the paparazzi Mal." Harmony looked over at the tank with a lizard in it. "Hey Maleficent."

"Sorry Harm, I was desperate and if anyone could get out of anything it's you." Mal gave her a grin before it fell when Evie tightened the dress. "Ah! Ok, Evie I can not breathe."

"Well you can breathe after Cotillion" She answered.

"I'm no mortal but I'm pretty sure that's not how they work." Harmony smirked feeling this is revenge on Mal enough.

"I have at least 20 more events behind it and I can't even remember what a single one of them is." Mal said worried but Evie didn't seem to hear her cause she was too busy admiring her work on Mal's dress.

Mal looked over at her old jacket she use to wear all the time. "Do you two ever think about what we'd be doing if we were back on the Isle right now?"

Harmony looked up at her surprised while Evie let out a fake chuckle. "Ha ha, that's funny. Ah, look who's on tv."

Harmony looked over to watch Mal spit her food into a napkin when she and Ben were having lunch with Aladdin and Jasmine and of herself when a sudden blast of wind blew her hair out.

"Stupid news mortals." Harmony mumbled to herself.

Mal gasped when the tv mentioned that she was going to be named lady of the court and grabbed her spell book. "Read it fast at lightning speed, remember everything I need." Before she grabbed another book and read every page fast.

"I know Mal's secrets of fitting in and Ben wouldn't like it one bit." Evie said with disapproval.

"What's the big deal?" Harmony asked. "Everyone is pushing her and pushing her it's becoming too much, let her do what she must Evie."

"Haven't Mal had enough secrets between the two of them already?" Evie asked.

"Evie, you remember what I was like before my spellbook." Mal reminded her.

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with doing what you have to do to make yourself feel better, I mean I use my powers all the time." Harmony pointed out.

"And you always get in to trouble with the Fairy Godmother." Evie added.

"Yeah well she's a nut job." Harmony waved it off.

"Well personally since you two are my best friends I strongly believe that Mal's spellbook belongs in the museum with my mirror and Harmony should go to Olympus to visit her daddy."

"Ha ha, that's funny." Harmony said in the same tone Evie did moments ago.

"You know I'm right."

"You don't ever miss running wild and breaking all the rules?" Mal asked.

"Stealing and lying and fighting?" Evie said in disbelief.

"Yeah." Mal said back with a smile.

"Well stealing and fighting for me since I can't tell lies." Harmony shrugged.

"No." Evie answered Mal's question. "Why would we? M, come here look at where we are, we're in Auradon. And we're Auradon girls now."

"I still live in the Underworld." Harmony reminded her.

"Well you shouldn't, you're not evil anymore Harmony."

"I grew up there, it's my home, it's where Pain and Panic and sometimes my dad are. Plus I have work there, I'm the only one that calms down the souls, and someone has to do it or the dead and the whole world would be in chaos."

"This is the land of opportunity." Evie replied. "We can be whatever we want to be here. So please, lets just leave the past into the past ok? Besides look at these shoes." Evie held up yellow and blue high heel boots for Mal. "I mean look at them."

Harmony just rolled her eyes, something she's been doing a lot lately.

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