What'd I Miss?

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Harmony appeared in front of Carlos making him yelp then smile when he saw her. "Harmony!" He pulled her into a hug. "I thought you were grounded forever."

Harmony shook her head. "No such luck, so what did I miss?"

"You actually missed a lot, I finally asked Jane out and nailed my first girl talk!"

"Ok um first." She pulled him into another hug. "I'm so proud of you and second, what?"

"Oh, Mal wasn't sure what to do, so before Evie and her could go have have their girl talk I stopped them and made us tell Jay and me too."

"Is she ok?" Harmony asked worried about her friend.

"I told her that if he doesn't love her for her, then he's not the one. Then I took my own advice and asked Jane out and guess what, she likes me back, she said I'm really great."

"You are really great Carlos, where are the others?"

"Evie is with Doug delivering the gowns she made, and Jay is with Lonnie. He made her captain."

"That's right! Chad said a captain and men! He didn't say the captain had to be a girl. Wow Jay is so smart."

"Speaking of Chad he was in my room again playing with my printer."

Harmony rolled her eyes. "What did that idiot do now?"

"He made Ben's crown. But good news is he's not coming to the party."

"Why not?"

"Audrey called him demanding he come over and fix a broken wheel is Sherwood Forest."

"That's six hours away, and does he even know how to change a tire? He failed shop class."

Carlos shrugged. "Oh well."

"Harmony." Evie ran over with Doug and hugged her. "OMG, you look amazing, and I didn't make it."

"The fates made it, hey Doug, why you blushing?" Harmony asked.

Evie chuckled. "Dopey Jr here thought I didn't see him last night cause I was with another guy."

"Aw, Doug, Evie's not a cheater no more."

Doug nervously chuckled scratching the back of his neck.

"Harmony!" Lonnie ran over and hugged her.

"Hey captain." Harmony greeted. "Your mom is going to be so proud."

"I know right!" Lonnie's smile broke into a huge grin.

"That was super smart of you Jay." Harmony hugged him next.

"Thanks, glad you could come."

"Hey cousin."

Harmony turned around and saw Herbert walking over with a pretty blond girl. "Hey."

"I don't think you met my girlfriend from Athens yet, this is Helen."

"Hi." Helen waved to her.

"Well, lets get going." Herbert led her towards the water making Harmony's eyes widen.

"A boat? The party is on a boat?"

"Don't worry Harm, it's not going to sink." Jay assured.

"I, I can't do this." Harmony turned to leave but she bumped right into her dad.

"Now Harmony, I didn't go through all this trouble just for you to not go." Hades told her.

"I can't swim." Harmony reminded him.

"Neither can I, but that's not going to stop me from going on and seeing my daughter perform like the star she is." Hades took her hand into his and helped her on to it.

"You're going to be amazing Harm." Evie added before she and Doug went to dance with Jay and Lonnie and Carlos went to fine Jane.

"Just go up there babe." Hades encouraged leading her to her group. "I'll be here the whole time." He kissed her forehead before he went over to the Fairy Godmother to get some punch.

Harmony sighed one more time before she took her place in her group.

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