Welcome Back "Mother"

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"Where is she?" Mal paced as she and the others waited for their friend. It was very late and Harmony isn't one for being late since she can be in one place and another in a matter of seconds.

"Hello dears." Fairy Godmother greeted as she started passing by.

"Fairy Godmother, have you seen Harmony?" Ben asked. "I need her advise."

"I assume she's still with her mother."

All the VKs looked at her like she said Harmony was burning everything down. "Her mother?" Mal asked wanting this clarified. "As in the Goddess of Life who gave Harmony up when she was born and hasn't seen in 16 years?"

"Yes, she wanted to make peace with Harmony so I let her have her for the day, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." With that she walked back the way she was heading before.

"Something must have happened." Carlos nearly panicked. "Harmony doesn't even want to be with her mother for an hour let alone a day."

"Is she really that bad?" Ben asked.

"Harmony took her father's word for it and Gods can't lie." Mal explained.

"Well if Harmony's mom is a Goddess and she can't lie doesn't that mean she means it when she says she wants to make peace?"

The VKs thought about it but they were cut off by laughter as they saw Harmony and a beautiful woman who had most of Harmony's facial features and beauty walk over. Harmony looked up and noticed her friends. "Hey guys."

Everyone weakly waved still surprised.

"So this is your mom?" Jay asked.

"Yep." Harmony nodded.

"Harmony darling, introduce me to your friends." Persephone smiled.

"Mommy, this is Carlos, Jay, Evie, Mal, and Ben, everyone this is my mother Persephone, the Goddess of Life and Spring."

"Hello everyone, I hope we get to know each other more in the future, but we should get to the Underworld."

"You're going to the Underworld?" Mal asked surprised.

"Of course, I want to get along with Hades again for Harmony's sake, well goodbye." With that the two Goddesses disappeared.

"This isn't right." Jay stood up not believing this.

Carlos nodded agreeing.

"Did you see that necklace?" Evie asked suddenly. "Harmony never wears jewelry, she doesn't even have her ears pierced."

"You think that necklace has something to do with Harmony suddenly forgiving her mother?" Mal asked.

"I'm positive it is." Evie nodded.

Meanwhile in the Underworld Persephone tucked the necklace into Harmony's dress. "Don't let your father see that or he'll think I'm bribing you."

"Daddy!" Harmony called making Hades appear right away.

"Hey babe, how was..." He stopped when he saw Harmony wasn't alone. "Persephone? What are you doing here?"

"I came to make up for the foolish choice I made 16 years ago. I want to be Harmony's mother and queen of the underworld again."

Hades gave out a chuckle and hold out his arms. "Hold on a second, time out, what makes you think you can just come back here and claim what is mine?"

"Well you did say what your baby wants your baby gets did you not?" Persephone smirked.

Hades eyes widened as he looked at Harmony. "What is she talking about?"

"I want to get to know her daddy, I want both my mommy and daddy together."

Hades grabbed her shoulders gently. "Honey, it's not that simple."

"Oh yes it can be." Persephone stepped up. "She wants me to stay and I have every right to be here."

"You left freely on your choice." Hades pointed out glaring.

"Well now I made my final choice."

"And this has nothing to do with the fact that Harmony is now a famous and true hero to all of the cosmos?"

"Not at all, now please let me prove I want to be here."

"Please daddy." Harmony added.

Hades sighed rubbing his temples. "I don't know."

"Why don't you sleep on it?" Persephone suggested. "In fact, why don't we all sleep on it?"

Hades groaned and grabbed Harmony's hand leading her to her room.

"Lovely room." Persephone said looking around.

"She designed it herself." Hades replied.

After Harmony snapped her fingers making her pajamas appear and she brushed her fangs she hugged both her parents good night. Hades kissed her head and waited for Persephone to exit but instead she sat next to Harmony after she laid down in her bed.

"Hades, can you give us a moment?" She asked.

"No way, I'm not leaving her alone with you." Hades growled.

Persephone's narrowed almost glaring before she calmed herself down and looked into Harmony's still opened eyes seeing the love in them start to fade, she had to do it now even though Hades was in the room.

Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can I have sent you away?
The blame was my own; the punishment, yours
The harmony's silent today

But into the stillness I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies
Have carried you softly to sleep

Once did a Goddess who shone like the sun
Look out on the kingdom and sigh
She smiled and said, "Surely, there is nobody
So lovely and so well beloved as I"

So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory
That long was the shadow she cast
Which fell dark upon the young daughter she loved
And grew only darker as days and nights passed

Lullay dark princess, goodnight daughter mine
And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space

Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Harmony, you're loved so much more than you know
Forgive me for being so blind

Soon did that Goddess take notice that others
Did not give her family her due
And neither had she loved her as she deserved
She watched as her family's unhappiness grew

But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly
Takes hold of the mind of its host
And that foolish Goddess did nothing to stop
The destruction of one who had needed her most

Lullay dark princess, goodnight daughter mine
And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space

Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Harmony, you're loved so much more than you know
May troubles be far from your mind
And forgive me for being so blind

The years now before us
Fearful and unknown
I never imagined
I'd face them on my own

May these thousand winters
Swiftly pass, I pray
I love you; I miss you
All these miles away

May all your dreams be sweet tonight
Safe upon your bed of moonlight
And know not of sadness, pain, or care
And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there

"The Underworld are you doing?" Hades asked.

"Well unlike you I never got to sing to her before."

"That's your fault."

"Hades for her sake can't we get along?"

Hades growled. "Fine, but the minute she wants you to leave or if you hurt her in anyway I'll kick you back into the ocean myself!" With that he stomped away

She waited until he was gone before she smiled. "Oh she won't, she has no choice." She softly chuckled and looked at the necklace that was now glowing brightly which means she now has Harmony's love, at least for now.

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