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Harmony calmed down a little after a few songs. She saw Carlos and Jane the Fairy Godmother they were dating and she looked thrilled. Hades watched her the whole time smiling proudly, and her friends were enjoying themselves as well. After their last song the horns were blown and Lumiere stepped forward. "The Future Lady Mal!" Harmony couldn't help but chuckle at how nervous her friend looked as the spot light was on her. She had her eyes so wide and not smiling that it was like she thought she wasn't wearing any clothes. However that was the same dress Evie made but it looked different, it was more Mal's style.

Evie started clapping making everyone else clap along making Mal settle down a bit before she went over to Ben's parents.

"Ok everyone." Harmony told her group. "We sing the next song when Ben and Mal do their first dance."

"King Benjamin!" Lumiere shouted once again after the horns were played.

"Hard to believe that's the romantic dude that use to be a candle." Harmony said making her group chuckle.

Harmony's smile quickly turned into a frown when she saw Ben did not look happy to see her. "What's going on?" Harmony asked. She couldn't hear anything since the group was on the other side of the boat. But what she did see almost made her go up into flames. Uma showed up dressed in a ball gown and wearing Ben's ring.

"Who is that?" Her group asked.

Harmony growled. "Uma, daughter of Ursula the sea witch."

The only ones that were smiling was Ben and Uma. "What are they saying?" The group asked.

"I don't know." Harmony admitted.

She saw Uma hug Mal before she started dancing with Ben.

"Well..." Harmony took a deep breath so not to burn this ship down like her dad did with Umas. "This sucks." As she watched Ben dance with the wrong girl Harmony couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong. "Hang on." Harmony's eyes stated to glow a bright blue like her flames.

"What are you doing?" The daughter of Anna asked.

"I'm going to look into Ben's soul." Harmony replied as her eyes focused on Ben. It took less then a minute before her eyes went back to normal and she sighed relieved. "Ok, everything makes sense again."

"What?" The son of Tiana asked.

"Ben's been spelled." Harmony replied making the group gasp.

"We gotta tell them." The daughter of Tinkerbell said.

"They're all the way over there." The son of Snow White sighed.

Sure Harmony could teleport but then she'd be the one in trouble, but then she got an idea. "Everyone, follow my lead, lets just hope my friends get the message."

The group nodded and followed her in the song that was clearly a message. She knew she was going to get in trouble but she used her powers as she sings.

(video on top)

Everyone was staring at Harmony. "What's she doing?" Jay asked.

Hades got what his daughter was saying and stood in front of her. "You sure kid?"

Harmony nodded. "I looked into his soul."

Mal gasped. "She's saying Ben's been spelled."

"What do we do?" Evie asked.

Harmony then looked around and saw Ben's present for Mal. "I got it." Harmony appeared in front of a curtain. "And now, the unrevealing of King Ben's gift to his Lady." Harmony took the certain off to reveal an amazing stain glass window. It was of Ben bowing down to Mal with her hand in his and Mal's eyes were the glowing green she sometimes got. Everyone looked at it in amazement till Uma stomped forward and shouted.


Harmony gave a wicked laugh. "Or what? You're going to throw a sea shell at me?"

Uma glared before she put fake smile on. "Um, why don't you tell everyone the present you have for me Ben?"

Ben stepped forward. "I have an announcement, Uma will be joining the court tonight as my lady."

"Son.." Ben's dad tried to talk to him but Ben shouted like a beast.

"NOT NOW DAD! Uh, so as my gift to her I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all!!"

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