Mals' New Look

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"OUT OF THE WAY! MOVE IT MORTALS!" Harmony shouted to everyone that was blocking Mal's path. "MOVE OR GET RAN OVER!"

Mal suddenly stopped to look at a poster of her and Ben next to each other. Someone drew a beard on Ben and a big X across Mal's face with the words 'Good girl' written below it. Mal ripped up the poster and gave it to Harmony who happy turned it to ashes the second it was in her hands. Mal parked her moped before she grabbed a rock and threw it at a sign that said "Danger, flying rocks." With a mighty throw the sign moved and the doorway to some stairs opened allowing the two friends to go in.

Meanwhile Evie knocked on the door to Ben's study. "Ben?"

"Evie." Ben smiled as he stood up. "Come on in."

"Mal and Harmony has gone back to the Isle." Evie said softly full of worry and sadness as she hands Ben a note and his ring he gave Mal when he became king.

"This is my fault." Ben almost cried. "This is my fault I blew it! She's been under so much pressure lately and instead of being understanding I just went all beast on her! And Harmony, she was made promises and instead of keeping them like she always does she was ignored.... I have to go there and apologize. I have to go there and beg them to come back."

"Ben you'll never find them, you need to know the Isle and how it works.... You have to take me with you."

"Yes!" Ben turned to her. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, they're my best friends. I'll get the boys because there's safety in numbers and none of us is really popular over there right now."


"But lets get two things straight." Evie looked him in the eyes. "You need to promise me that I won't get stuck there again."

"I promise." Ben swore.

"And there's no way you're going looking like that."

(Back at the Isle)

"There is no way you're staying here looking like that." Harmony told Mal pointing to her blond hair before she took her to Curl up and Dye which is owned by the Wicked Stepmother, but really her grand daughter is the only one keeping the place going.

Harmony walked in first.

"HARMONY!" A young girl named Dizzy who is the daughter of Drizella. "Is Evie back too?"

Harmony frowned remembering how close Dizzy and Evie were since they are both madly in love with fashion. "Sorry kiddo, but the place still looks good and I have a job for you."

"You're finally going to let me do your hair?" Dizzy asked.

"Not my hair, hers." Harmony pointed to Mal.

"Hey Diz." Mal waved. "So what is your deal? Has your grandmother given you any customers yet?"

Dizzy sighed. "Ah just a witch here and there. Mostly it's a lot of scrubbing and scouring and sweeping. Lots and Lots of sweeping."

"Figures." Harmony mumbled.

"Sounds like the old Cinderella treatment?" Mal added.

"Yeah, she's gone from wicked stepmother to wicked grandmother." Dizzy sighed sadly.

"That's not really much of a switch." Mal pointed out.

Harmony sighed. Dizzy was one of the kids Harmony wanted to take off this Isle, if anyone deserves it it's her. "So.. About Mal's stupid Auradon hair."

Dizzy have Mal a good look. "The washed out blond hair with purple tips? The best of no worlds. You can't see where her face ends and her hair begins." She then looked at the nails. "Oh what is this? Bored to death pink?"

"Sounds about right." Harmony agreed.

"How far can I go?" Dizzy asked.

"The works." Harmony said.

Mal nodded agreeing. "Whatever makes me feel like me but you know... way worse."

"Yay!!" Dizzy cheered as she picked up a huge pair of scissors. While Dizzy worked on Mal the three of them talked. Harmony and Mal answered her questions about Auradon and Dizzy told them what's been going on on the isle lately.

After a lot of snipping, dying, and whatever else she did Mal was finished. "Hey! There I am!"

Harmony walked over and nodded in approval. "Better, much better."

"DIZZY!!" They heard from upstairs. "I HAVE MORE CHORES FOR YOU TO DO!!"

"Let me handle this." Harmony told Dizzy before she shouted. "SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG BEFORE I SEND YOUR WRINKLY DINOSAUR ASS TO THE RIVER STYX!!!"

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