The Search

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Persephone has never seen her ex so mad.

"HECATE! IF YOU DON'T TELL ME WHERE SHE IS RIGHT NOW I'LL BURN YOU TILL YOU'RE A PILE OF ASHES!!" Hades shouted flaming up so bright everyone had to step away from him to avoid getting burned.

"Oh Hades, how soft you have gotten. You were the most powerful and evil villain and now you gave that all up, well you have Olympus now so the underworld should belong to me." Hecate smirked.

"Oh please." Hades rolled his eyes. "No one worships you or even knows your name, you're not even a Goddess so give me back Harmony."

"Harmony this, Harmony that, the girl saves the world and all of a sudden she's the greatest in the world."

Hades was about to reply before Persephone stepped in front of him. "She's just trying to distract you, we can't focus on her right now, we have to find Harmony."

"I have no clue where to start." Hades admitted.

"What about the fates?"

With a snap of his fingers Harmony's friends and parents showed up on fates mountain where they saw the fates on the ground asleep. Hades stomped up to them. "Hey hey hey ladies, this is no time for you three to catch up on your beauty sleep, Hecate's in my home planning to kill everyone on earth and she hid Harmony somewhere, so tell me where she is."

The fates however didn't answer his questions only snored in reply.

Mal stepped forward and looked them over. "They're under a spell, this is just like the spell my mom cast."

"Looks like Hecate thought of everything." Ben sighed.

"Well we can't just give up." Carlos snapped. "Harmony is our best friend and for all we know she's in danger."

"I'll have all of Auradon search for her." Ben assured.

"Maybe we should check the Isle." Jay suggested.

"No, Hecate doesn't have the ability to even make a dent in the barrier she couldn't sent anyone in or out of there even if she wanted to." Hades replied.

"Then where should we look?" Evie asked.

"It's gotta be somewhere only Hecate knows..." He widened his eyes and groaned. "I think I know where she is."

"Where?" Everyone asked.

"The neither regions of the night, where she haunts."

"That sounds dangerous." Carlos said.

"It is, full of magic, ghosts, and witchcraft the perfect place to keep anyone even a Goddess prisoner."

"It's worth it to get Harmony back." Mal said.

"We'll need help, I'll call the other Gods to help us." Persephone suggested.

''We gotta hurry." Evie said. "If we don't find her by sunset we're all dead."

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