Remembering Who She Is

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Harmony spent her free period watching Jay and Carlos at sword practice. All the boys were doing great but Jay was fighting with an unknown player that just came out of no where. Those two fought until the guy stole his sword and pointed both of them at Jay.

"Impressive." Harmony smirked as she took off the mystery player's mask. "Lonnie."

"Not bad." Jay nodded giving her a grin.

"You should have me on the team.'' Lonnie told him.

"Yeah." Harmony agreed.

"What?" Chad panicked and ran over to them. "No no no, we'll be the laughing stock of the league, And what's going to happen next we're going to let girls play tourney? Come on guys."

"So?" Jay and Harmony ask in unison.

"So? So uh have you not read the rule book? Section 2, paragraph 3, 11-4 'A team will be comprised of a captain and eight MEN.'"

"Then why are you allowed to play Chad?" Harmony asked.

Everyone except Chad of course held in a laugh at that.

"It's the rules Harmony, they might not have rules where you're from but here in Auradon, we do."

"You need to know when to follow the rules and when to break them." Harmony replied.

"We'll get laughed at."

"They're only going to laugh at that stupid new hair style of yours, you look like a poodle."

"If you don't like following rules go back to the Isle." Chad snapped making everyone gasp.

Harmony's hair started turning red making Jay and Carlos quickly ran to her and they both hugged her knowing it usually calms her down.

"It's alright Harmony." Jay said keeping her in a tight embrace.

"He's not worth it." Carlos added.

Harmony took a deep breath and let it out making smoke come out of her mouth.

"I'll take her to get some air." Lonnie volunteered. Jay and Carlos let her go so Lonnie could lead her out.

"That Chad still burns me up."

"I know Harm, leave it to him to ruin my dream. If my mom thought like that she would have lost the war. Are you feeling ok now?"

"No, lately I've been feeling more and more homesick, luckily I don't have to stay in a dorm but it's not the same anymore. I miss my dad and friends."

"I'm sorry Harm, but it will get better."

"Stupid rules. Girls can't fight, no powers allowed, no one else from the Isle is here, no minions and mortals allowed on Olympus. I'm going home!" Harmony disappeared into a blaze leaving Lonnie alone.

"PAIN! PANIC!" Harmony shouted when she was in the Underworld throne room.

Pain and Panic ran in worried. "Are you alright?" Pain asked flying around her looking for injuries.

"What's wrong?" Panic asked almost having another heart attack.

"I'm losing myself boys, I'm turning into... a... a.... I don't know anymore. Look at me, I'm going to school to learn how to be good, I have to study a freaken rule book, and I feel so alone." She fell down in her throne.

"Aw princess, you're still the same brave and mischievous girl we've always known." Pain told her.

"Yeah, we know who you are, the whole world does, you're a famous Goddess princess." Panic added.

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