Harry Hook

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"Here you go kiddo." Harmony gave Dizzy a small pouch, when she opened it it was full of gold.

"Thank you Harmony!" Dizzy went to go put it in the register.

"Hand it over ya runt." Harmony eyes widened when she saw Harry Hook but her hair turned red when he forced Dizzy to give him her gold and the rest of her money.

"Go get him tiger." Mal whispered to Harmony.

Nodding Harmony appeared behind Harry and took her gold back. "I gave this to her, don't you have your captain's butt to kiss?"

Harry jumped knowing that voice anywhere and turned around to face the most powerful girl that ever walked not only on the island but anywhere. He gave her a crooked smile but his fear was still visible. "Well well well, if it isn't daddy's perfect little princess."

"If it isn't daddy's greatest disappointment." Harmony smirked at him making his face fall. "I don't know what he's ashamed of most, the fact that you take orders from a fish woman waitress, or the fact that you're a first mate and not a captain like him."

Harry slowly walked over to her trying to be intimating. "I really did not miss that smart mouth of yours."

"I didn't miss anything of yours."

Harry snarled. "You should be worried."

"Ha! Yeah right, like I'd be scared of who is named after his dad's hair brush."

"It's a hair hook!"

"How is Gil? You know I always thought you two should switch names. I mean Gaston is always bragging about how harry he is, and Gil is a water name."

Harry groaned frustrated. "If you weren't immortal I would...."

"Ah but I am immortal." Harmony snatched his right arm that he holds his hook in. "Don't forget what I did to your last hook, turned it into a melting, steaming pile of goo. You should be thanking me, that hook was as ugly as that hat."

Harry freed his arm from her grip giving her a glare. "Well we can't all have the God of Wealth give us whatever we want. Just wait until Uma hears you're back. She's never going to give up her territory."

"Well that's ok, cause we'll be taking it." Mal taunts finally stepping out.

"Oh, you're here too, even better." Harry slid his hook down Mal's hair. "I might not be able to hurt your Goddess body guard but I could hurt you."

Mal spit out her gum and stuck it right on to Harry's hook. "Not without permission I bet."

Harry gave her one last glare before he put her gum into his own mouth.

"Well that's gross." Harmony commented.

Harry walked back up to her and did a mocking bow before knocking over Dizzy's stuff onto the floor and leaving.

"Oh no, do come back, I so love your company." Harmony said sarcastically.

"Great more sweeping." Dizzy sighed.

Harmony gave Dizzy a smile and with a snap of her fingers the mess was gone.

"Thanks Harm!" Dizzy smiled big.

"Don't mention it." Harmony gave Dizzy back the gold. "I got your back."

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