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"I ordered the fried clams!" A customer complained when Uma gave her her food.

"And I wanted a sea pony. LIFE AIN'T FAIR!!" Uma was the daughter of Ursula, captain of her own ship, and a waitress at her mom's fish and chips restaurant.

Harmony stormed into the restaurant her hair still flaming red making everyone gasp and jump out of their seats to get ready to run.

"UMA!!" Harmony shouted extremely ticked off as she stared at the girl who she's fought with so many times in the past before she cooled down. "Ick, every time I say that name I feel like I ate a live squid."

Mal then walked in with a hand on her hip. "We're bbbbaaaaccccckkkkk."

"Loser, party of two, right this way please." Uma called out trying not to show fear to Harmony.

Harmony looked over and spotted Harry and Gil. "Hey boys! Uma said your table is ready."

Harry growled at her but Gil jumped up happily. "Awesome, I'm starving." He was about to run over to the table but Harry grabbed him muttering. "Idiot."

Harmony snapped her fingers and a fancy table with a black cloth and two very comfy chairs appeared. Mal and Harmony sat on the chairs while Uma rolled her eyes.

"This place still stinks and that's coming from someone who lives with corpses." Harmony told her.

"Oh I'm sorry, we're down a butler princess." Uma said rolling her eyes.

"What about those two? They're close enough to how you treat them." Harmony pointed to Gil and Harry again.

"Where is he Uma?" Mal demanded.

"You know, I dreamed of this. You wanting something from me and I'm watching you squirm like a worm on a hook." Uma smiled.

"Aw, you hear that Harm? She dreams about us." Mal smirked.

"And here we haven't given her a single thought all this time." Harmony added.

Uma slammed her hand down on the table. "Obviously, you have your perfect little lives don't you? Harmony's life was always so perfect. And we're 20 years into a garbage strike."

"Listen if you have some kind of score to settle with us game on, but we see no reason to bring Ben into this." Mal said.

"It may be a little unnecessary." Uma agreed. "But oh it is so much fun. Here's the deal."

"Ah, my territory, now we're talking." Harmony grinned cracking her knuckles.

"If Mal wins, Ben is free to go." Uma sat on a chair from one of her own tables and got her arm ready for arm wrestling.

Mal just smirked again and accepted.

"Don't you want to know what I get if I win?" Uma asked.

"Still dreaming." Mal replied.

"Last time I checked your mother thought she had things all sewn up to huh? How'd it work out for her again?"

"On three." Harmony interrupted as the whole restaurant got closer but not too close. "Three."

Uma and Mal begun.

"You know that whole princess act?" Uma said to Mal. "Never bought it for a second, you can stick a tiara on a villain but you're still a villain."

"And you can slap a pirate hat on, but you're still Shrimpy." Mal replied back using the embarrassing nickname they once made the whole island call Uma.

Uma gasped as Mal's eyes started to glow green and Uma's hand was just inches away from touching the table.

Uma then started to chuckle. "If I win.... you bring me the wand."

Mal gasped surprised and lost her focus making Uma get an easy win.

Harmony did nothing but widen her eyes surprised at Uma's request but she stayed calm and collected thinking of a plan. "Of course, everybody wants that stupid wand."

"Now if you want beasty boy back bring me the Fairy Godmother's wand, at my ship tomorrow at noon.... sharp. Oh and if you blab, you can kiss your baby goodbye." Uma then started walking away.

Harmony then stood up. "Hold it Shimpy, I'm the deal maker here, so it's my call. I'll give you something you can't refuse."

That caught Uma's attention. "Really and what could I want more than the wand?"

"You release Ben... I take his place as your prisoner."

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