Free? Not yet

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Mal stepped forward to give Uma the wand but she didn't take it. "Hold up, too easy. Why don't you give it a test drive, we want to see it work."

"You always were quite the drama queen." Mal mumbled.

"Oh and nothing too big, or else your BFF gets to take a dive." Uma added.

Mal looked back at her friends and saw Carlos nod his head over to dude.

"Okay." Mal pointed the fake wand and dude and said. "Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word." Dude just stared at her like she was nuts for a while til Mal snapped. "Talk dog."

"Does this vest make me look fat?" Dude asked making the whole crew burst out laughing. "Hey does anyone have some bacon? Or cookies?"

"I'll give you a whole buffet if you get me away from the water!" Harmony shouted freaking out.

Uma laughed with her crew before she snaps at Mal. "Give me the wand!"

"Give me Harmony!" Mal snapped back.

"Harry, bring her over." Uma ordered.

Harmony wasn't sure but she swore she heard Harry sigh relieved. "Move faster Hook." Harmony snapped.

Harry brought her over but Mal didn't give Uma the wand making Uma sigh. "Cut her loose Harry."

With a quick swing of his sword Harmony was free from the ropes. "Run Harmony." Mal shouted as she gave Uma the wand before they all went running.

Uma and her crew cheered and tried to use the wand right away. "By the power of the sea! Tear it down and set us free!!" Of course nothing happened. "What? NO!" Uma easily snapped the wand in two proving it was a fake. "You do not get to win every time! Get them!"

Harmony watched as all her friends grabbed swords and started throwing smoke bombs at the pirates. She however was in no mood to fight, she just sat down and waited for her friends to win. When you're fire and you've been hanging over water you just wanna sit back and wait till you're focused again.

She saw Jay fighting with Harry, Ben was fighting Gil and Mal fighting with Uma, she didn't bother to know or care who the other pirates were. Harmony saw Jay throw Harry's hook into the water, without a thought Harry jumped in after it. "You have got to be kidding me." She mumbled not believing a piece of metal was worth going in the dreaded water.

She couldn't take her eyes off where he landed til she saw he was struggling to get back on to the dock. Sighing Harmony appeared in front of him and pulled him up. "How many times do I have to save your butt Hook?"

"Look out!" Harry shouted as Uma came charging for her about to stab and push her into the water. When she was only a foot away a cloud of smoke appeared and long bony fingers grabbed her sword.

"Whoa hey!"

All the pirates and Harmony's friends all stopped fighting to look at the powerful God who they all knew too well.

Harmony's eyes widened. "Daddy?"

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