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Mal and Harmony just left Curl Up and Dye.

"So you really made Dude the dog talk?" Harmony asked Mal.

"Yeah, he ate the truth gummy right out of my hand."

"So what did he say?"

"He told Carlos to scratch his butt."

"You got any more of those things? I always wondered what Cerberus say to each other."

"No, sorry. Anyway you seem better."

Harmony's smiled bigger. "For the first time since I don't know when, I feel just like my old self again."

"Me too"

"So now what?"

"Lets go to the hideout." Mal suggested, she threw another rock at the sign to open the door before they climbed up but Harmony only went half way.

"You go ahead, I'm going to stay here for a bit."

"Alright, I be at the top, and Harmony thanks for everything."

Harmony nodded as she leaned against the rail and looked up at the sky. She was glad to be back but she wondered, would her friends miss her? Do they even know she's gone? What will her dad say when he finds out she's back on the Isle he hated so much when they lived here?

Harmony started to sing a song she use to sing for the music group that scared a lot of them, the song she sang to all the souls that came into the underworld.

Welcomed you
Underground with open arms you knew
How fragile their souls were to your abuse
I let you roam around care free
They're not your enemies
All this time
Determination served as your lone guide
Mercy or genocide yours to decide
But consequences they increase
You will answer to me
I exist outside it
Even if restarted
Your actions won't erase
Nothing safe from my eyes
You might but numbers don't lie
I can see your real face
So tell me
Is there LOVE is there LOVE is there LOVE in your heart
Or kindness in your eyes
Execute execute execute if you want
Retribution for your crimes
Were you honest with yourself?
'Cause I'll know
When I take a look inside
Is there LOVE is there LOVE is there LOVE in your heart
Then judgement will be mine
Might be fun
But your brutality can't be undone
And you know you don't want to get dunked on
So contemplate your cruelty
Only killers play dirty
Spare their lives
Consider twice before being unkind
or you will end up having a bad time
No puns to make because it's true
The joke will be on you
I exist outside it
Even if restarted
Your actions won't erase
Nothing safe from my eyes
You might but numbers don't lie
I can see your real face
So tell me
Is there LOVE is there LOVE is there LOVE in your heart
Or kindness in your eyes
Execute execute execute if you want
Retribution for your crimes
Were you honest with yourself?
'Cause I'll know
When I take a look inside
Is there LOVE is there LOVE is there LOVE in your heart
Then judgement will be mine
So I've got a question for ya
Do you think even the worst person can change?
That everyone can be a good person if they just try?

"Yes, you proved that." A voice said from behind her.

Harmony jumped surprise and gave a shout. "AH! SON OF A ZEUS!" Before she turned around and saw who said that.

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