Dad and Steph Fighting

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Harmony's hair was red again except this time it wasn't from anger it was from embarrassment. Her dad had her in a tight hug and was covering her entire face with huge kisses.

"Dad, you're slobbering on me in front of my friends." Harmony complained.

"Hey, you know the drill, ya scare me ya deal with it." Hades replied.

Harmony rolled her eyes and spotted Persephone. "What's she doing here?"

"She actually came to help you after she found out that witch was posing as her."

Harmony blinked surprised as she looked at her who actually looked like she was regretting something. "what's wrong with you?"

Persephone sighed. "You just turned out so... incredible and I had nothing to do with that. I just took you to your father without him knowing, I never even told him I was pregnant. He could have hurt you if he never would have had that talk with the fates. All I was worried about is what my own mother thought, I'm sorry."

Harmony was silent for a moment before she sighed and said. "I forgive you."

"What?" Hades looked at her in disbelief. "Kid you can't be serious, she abandoned you and put you in danger when I was still evil. She gave up on you."

Harmony looked up at her dad and grinned lightly. "What if she didn't?"

Hades flame went down a lot at the question.

"If she didn't give me to you, would you and me be this close?"

For once Hades was lost for words.

"If she didn't give me up I would have never grew up happy, you would still be trapped on the isle and never got what you wanted most, and I'd be stuck with a bitch of a grandma."

Hades sighed, he always thought about the bad parts about Steph giving her up when really they were just what ifs, he never thought about the good parts. Sighing he went over to Steph. "Well, as always my daughter is right''

"So I can see her?"

"I didn't say that, you still married my brother."

Steph sighed. "To be honest compared to you he's boring."

"I know, I was always the better of the bros."

"I'd still like to visit"

Hades thought about it "You can come to her school events, but the underworld is still off limits, and you can see her when she's at Olympus, there is no way she's ever going into the ocean."

"I should still have a right."

"Hey before all this you were just the thing she came out off."

Harmony watched from the side. "Huh, so this is what it looks like when parents fight."

"Steph, what I say about her is law, deal with it." With that he sent her back to the ocean. "Harmony lets go home."

"Huh, can you get us back to school first?" Carlos asked.

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