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Uma glared. "Yeah right, the worlds most powerful goddess be a prisoner? You'll just teleport and burn my ship to ashes."

"No, no fire and no teleporting, you have my word." Harmony promised.

Harry ran up to stand next to Uma. "Gods can't tell lies Uma."

"I have the ability to take down the barrier, I know that's the only reason you want the wand. So here's the deal, Ben goes free, and you can take me."

"You'll be tied up." Uma told her.

"Fine fine, I won't escape unless someone unties me, how's that?"

Uma smirks. "Oh that won't happen."

"So here's the deal, I'll take Ben's place as your prisoner, I won't fight you, I won't escape unless someone rescues me, and Ben goes free, You make this deal. Ben goes I stay, then Mal and Ben can dance, kiss, schmooze, carry on go home happy. What do you say? Come on. Shake on it." Harmony held out her hand.

"Are you going to summon your daddy?" Uma asked carefully?

"I haven't seen him in days and no, I won't summon him, now come on I need an answer like NOW. Going once, going twice.."

Uma took her hand shaking it making Harmony's flames get bigger, smoke appear around her and a bright blue light glowed from their hands. "Deal is done."

"Harry! Get the wimp. Gil tie up the prisoner." Uma demanded clearly enjoying this.

"NO! Harmony!" Mal tried to run forward but Uma stopped her. "I get the wand, you get your best friend back."

"Mal, I'll be ok, I promise." Harmony assured as Gil tied her hands behind her back and walked her outside.

Mal felt the tears once again coming. Harmony was her best and longest friend, now she just gave herself up to help Mal get her true love back.


Mal turned to see who she came to save. "Ben!" Running into his arms she cried into his chest.

"Mal, what's going on?" Ben asked confused.

"Harmony, she gave herself up for you." Mal cried.

"What?! No, we have to save her!" Ben gasped going the way Gil did but Mal stopped him.

"We're going to need help first." With that the two ran out to tell the others what happened.


"YOU LET HARMONY GET TAKEN?!" Carlos shouted outraged.

"No, she volunteered." Mal explained.

"Well there is no way we can just give Uma the wand." Evie said sadly. "We can't let her just destroy Auradon."

"Well we can't just let Uma keep Harmony!" Jay argued.

"Right, so we're going to give Uma of all people the wand?" Evie asked.

"We don't have a choice!" Carlos snapped.

"Wait you guy!" Mal stepped forward with a brilliant idea pointing to Carlos. "3D printer."

"A phony wand!" Carlos realized.

"Yes." Ben grinned agreeing. "Give Uma the fake wand we can get Harmony back."

"Yeah, but the second Uma tests it she'll know it's fake." Evie disagreed.

"We just have to untie Harmony, and make a diversion."

Jay suddenly pointed to Evie. "Smoke bombs!"

"That's perfect!" Evie cheered happily. "I can get the chemicals from Dizzy, that could work!" Evie then walked over to Mal. "Oh and sick hair by the way, The wicked stepmother really stepped up her game."

"You know something, Dizzy did this." Mal explained.

"Little Dizzy? Shut up."

"I know I'm like loving it, it's like a lot lighter."

"Really proud of her."

The boys could not believe these two. The friend they all loved is in trouble and they're talking about fashion?!

Jay cleared his throat.

"Hello!" Carlos shouted loudly.

"Harmony, remember." Ben reminded them.

"Right." Evie nodded feeling stupid.

"Carlos, Jay, you guys meet us at Pirate's Bay no later than noon. And you guys, Losing is not an option." Mal told them. "Cause we're rotten..."

"To the core." Jay, Evie, and Carlos finished.

"Catchy." Ben commented.

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