Dad to the Rescue

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Hades looked over his shoulder and smirked at his daughter. "Hi sweetie, miss me?" He then turned his attention to Uma. "Well well well, what do we have here? Shrimpy right?"

"It's Uma." Uma tried to sound brave but the fear in her voice was still there.

Hades scoffed. "Oh yeah, like that's any better. But anyway, exactly what's going on here? I know you aren't stupid enough to mess with my daughter cause that's just mushooga, it's crazy, only someone totally out of their mind would want me to get steamed up. However I did just see you point a sword at her."

Uma gulped.

"And you know what I do when someone tries to hurt my daughter." Hades flames up making everyone stand far away from him. Harmony had to grab Harry before he fell into the water again. Hades then cooled down and took a deep breath. "Come on Princess, time to go home."

Harmony let go of Harry and followed Hades to the exit with her friends but Hades suddenly stopped. "Oh where is my mind right now? I almost forgot, I can't let someone to took my kid just float away now can I?" With a point of his finger Hades burned Uma's ship. All the pirates stared in horror as the pirate ship burned and sink. Mal then kicked away the boards that would help them escape keeping the pirates trapped on the docks.

"What's my name?" Uma shouted shoving her crew.

"SHRIMPY!!" Hades shouted back.

Harmony laughed. "You really did walk into that one waitress."

The others ran to the limo, Carlos opened the door for Dude. "Come on Dude." Dude jumped in right away. "Oh now you listen to me."

Once everyone was inside they were all quiet for a while. Jay and Lonnie were up front. Carlos, Evie, Dude and Herbert were sitting behind them, Mal and Ben were in back and Harmony and Hades were sitting next to the windows.

"I'm really sorry things didn't work out the way you wanted to." Ben finally said.

"I mean.. as long we're all safe." Mal said.

"Well at I mean at least I got to see the Isle." Ben added. "They're my people too. That's what Harmony and Uma tried to tell me."

Harmony looked over at him when he said her name.

"Ben, Uma captured you, then she just threw you away and took Harmony instead." Mal said.

"She's an angry girl with a bad plan." Ben defended her. "Not so different from you when you came to Auradon Mal.

Mal gasped not believing what she was hearing.

Harmony sighed and looked up with her eyes without moving her head to see her father was looking straight ahead with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

"Daddy, I.."

Hades cut her off by grabbing her by the chin and forcing her to look in to his eyes. "You and I are going to have one Underworld of a talk when we get home."

"Awkward." Dude spoke up.

"Dude, I know you can talk but that doesn't mean you should." Carlos explained.

In the front Jay looked at Lonnie. "Why don't you stop by at practice later?"

"In the mood to break some rules?" Lonnie asked excited.

"No." Jay scoffed.

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