3D Printer

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While Mal and Evie went to make the smoke bombs Ben, Jay and Carlos got back in the limo to drive back to Auradon and ran into Carlos's dorm. "Hi, I'm sorry I'm so late Dude, Harmony got taken." Carlos explained as he pets his buddy.

"Why's the door open?" Jay asked.

The boys walked over to see Chad Charming broke into the room to use the 3D printer AGAIN!

"You've got to be kidding me." Carlos scold.

"Chad!" Ben yelled.

"I knocked." Chad defended himself.

Carlos held out his hand.

Sighing frustrated Chad gave him back the room key he made.

"What is that?" Jay asked pointing to what Chad was making.

"That's a little Chad action figure." Chad took it out and flew it around till he saw it wasn't done yet. "Minus the head."

"Sounds like an improvement." Carlos commented before going to his printer. "Ok, here we go."

Ben looked over their shoulders. "Why are you guys making Fairy Godmother's wand?"

"Uh, why are we making Fairy Godmother's wand?" Ben asked Jay and Carlos since they're so much better at lying than he is.

"Harmony's being held prisoner." Dude shouted.

"What?!" Chad gasped. "Dude can talk?!"

"Dude. I was stalling." Ben sighed.

"I thought you guys forgot." Dude replied.

Jay punched Chad's shoulder to get his attention. "Don't tell anyone, if you do we might never get her back."

"Really?" Chad asked. "So um Ben... If Hades kills you for losing his daughter, who would be in line to be king?"

Ben glared at him.

'Is it me or is that in really poor taste?" Jay asked as he went over to the door holding it open for Chad.

Chad scoffs and hold up his headless doll. "I'm taking this." He stepped out. "And if you think I..." He never got to finish cause Jay slammed the door into his face.

"Thank you Jay." Carlos nodded before going back to work.

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with him." Ben sighed.

"We all wonder that bro." Jay told him.

They didn't know Lonnie heard the whole thing.

"So how long is this going to take?" Ben asked wanting to get back to the Isle as soon as possible.

"Um..." Carlos saw how slow it was going and sighed. "A while."

While Jay and Carlos fell asleep Ben was pacing around the room thinking. He didn't care if Hades punished him for losing Harmony, if he pushed harder to making sure Harmony's promises were filled this never would have happened. Mal wouldn't have been so stressed and the two of them never would have ran away. Harmony and Mal have been so unhappy lately and he did nothing to help.

Ben looked over at the printer when he heard it make a sound and saw the fake wand was done. "Jay! Carlos! Wake up!"

"Hm?" Jay slowly opened his eyes.

"What?" Carlos asked.

The three boys surrounded the wand staring before Carlos pulled it out.

"Not bad." Jay commented.

"It's perfect." Ben grinned. "Lets go."

They made a dash for the door. "Hey guys, what about me?" Dude called.

"No Dude, you stay!" Carlos demanded. "I'm serious, stay. I love you buddy, we'll be back before you know it."

"Lets go." Ben said before the three of them ran out.

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