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When it's all said and done they head towards their office, stopping for something to eat on the way. Arin feels really tired already and rests his head against the window, letting his eyes flutter shut.

"Are we still recording the Ten Minute Power Hour videos today, or...?" Dan inquires, trailing off at the end as he waits for an answer.

Without opening his eyes, Arin shrugs and then speaks. "Maybe tomorrow instead, dude," he suggests, exhaling and shifting in his seat. "I'm feeling too fuckin' tired to be on camera and keep up that energy, you know?"

"Oh yeah, definitely. I understand. I just thought I should ask."

Arin cracks open an eye and peeks over at Dan, who has his eyes glued to the road as he should. "I could probably do a Grump sesh though," he murmurs, hoping that the pain medication they gave him at the hospital will finally make his headache go away- he winces when the sun shines through the window and hits his eyes. "If you want to play whatever game we choose this time instead of me, I'm fuckin' down with that."

"Sure, sounds good," Dan agrees with a smile. "But only if you're feeling up to it, man."

Dan is too nice to him- Arin doesn't think he deserves it. "I am," he tells Dan with a slight nod. "And hey, thanks for looking out for me, dude. Like, today and yesterday and shit. I don't deserve it really, but damn do I appreciate it."

For the briefest of moments, Dan looks at him, eyes flickering in Arin's direction. "Of course, Ar. You don't need to fuckin' thank me for doing my job as your best friend. I love you, man, and I care about you. So like... if you want to talk to me about what's been fuckin' eating away at you lately, you know I'm all ears. I'm not gonna judge you or some shit. You know this."

Arin wishes it were that easy, but he can't even find it in himself to tell his wife how he's really been feeling. Besides, telling Dan what's been going on in his head lately would cause more problems than it's worth right now.

He realizes how much Dan sounds like Suzy at this very moment too, and Arin wants to laugh.

"I know, but you and Suzy both worry too much about me," he says in an attempt to dismiss it. "I'll be alright, man. I trust you of course, but this shit is something I think I need to deal with alone, you get me?"

Dan pauses for just the briefest of moments and his expression darkens before he puts on a fake smile. "Oh sure, absolutely. I don't wanna push you or anything but... I guess I'm just... letting you know that I'm here for you, Arin. Always. Just like I was last time."

Arin winces at the mention of the past. "Yeah, well the same applies to you, y'know," he then murmurs, picking at his own shirt with downcast eyes. "I've got your back, always. Whenever you need me. I... I love you, dude."

His heart pounds a little bit harder as it comes out of his mouth. It's not the first time he's said it of course, but... it's different now, and saying it makes him feel too exposed, like Dan will be able to see right through him and know exactly how he means it.

"Thanks, that means a lot," Dan replies then, parking outside of the building. Arin didn't realize how close they'd been to the office until now and he feels a bit confused and disoriented. "Wow, I didn't mean to get all fuckin' serious and shit. Sorry, man. Let me help you get inside."

Arin and Dan both open up the car doors at the same time, but Dan is out quicker, coming over to Arin's side and offering up his hand. Arin looks at it, hesitant, before he gently takes it in his own and lets Dan help him stand up, wincing at the ache in his side.

As soon as they're inside, all eyes are on them. Arin waves awkwardly as they make their way to the Grump room so that they can at least record something. He makes sure to steer clear of Suzy for now because he doesn't want her to obsess and worry over him too much when she sees him. He knows that she won't interrupt while they're recording, which is nice because he doesn't want her to have to stop what she's doing to worry about if he's hurting. And anyway, he'll see her later on to deal with all of that.

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