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When Arin wakes up, he's alone. He feels a little bit confused at first, but then remembers that he left his own room in favor of sleeping in bed with Dan. Who isn't here. Which is weird.

With a frown, Arin slips out of bed, noticing Mochi at the foot. He rubs the cat's head with a smile before he pads out of the room and heads downstairs. There, in the living room, he finds Dan watching TV and drinking some of Suzy's coffee out of one of Arin's mugs for tea. He doesn't mind though, because it's Dan.

"When did you wake up, dude?" Arin finally questions, drawing Dan's attention. The older looks over at the younger with a small smile that makes Arin feel weak in the knees like he's a little school girl with a crush. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"I only just got up maybe a half an hour ago," Dan answers before he takes a sip from the mug. Arin takes a seat beside him, relaxing into the comfortable sofa. "I didn't wake you up because I thought you'd need the sleep."

Arin's eyes drift to his phone on the table. He picks it up and checks the time- it's almost 2PM. He has a few texts from Suzy, so he replies to those and then sets his phone back down, his attention back to Dan.

"Did you sleep well?" Dan asks him, setting the mug down onto the table and lowering the volume on the TV.

Arin shrugs. "Yeah, I think so," he says, running a hand through his hair. He finally sighs, picking up his phone again. "I know we don't really have to go into the office much, but we should maybe record a few more episodes today and get it out of the way, and then we can just fuckin' chill out or whatever, you know? I'm gonna lose my mind if I don't do anything all day for the rest of the week."

Dan nods. "Alright. Did you have a specific game in mind, or?"

Arin shakes his head. "Not really, I just feel like we should get something else recorded though. Maybe we can play some dumb multiplayer game or something."

"Yeah, sure," Dan agrees, but then he stops to think. "Oh, shit, you have to get your stitches removed today at like five or six I think Suzy reminded me. Do you wanna record a couple of episodes and then head to the hospital, or... what do you wanna do, dude?"

"Oh yeah, I already fuckin' forgot," Arin utters, reaching up to touch the area on his head, but Dan smacks his hand away before his fingertips even reach his own skin.

"Leave it alone, silly bastard," Dan tells the younger man with a chuckle, making Arin grin at him. "Anyway, it's all up to you, but we do have to go today."

Arin groans, letting his head fall against Dan's shoulder. "I guess we can just get something to eat and hang out here or whatever you wanna do. We can fuckin' play a game or watch a movie or whatever you want, man."

"It doesn't matter to me," Dan says simply as he checks his own phone and reaches forward for his mug full of coffee, taking a sip. Arin's eyes focus on his adam's apple and the way it bobs when he swallows.

"Fuck," he swears aloud without meaning to, and Dan looks down at him, confusion written all over his face.

"What?" he questions, eyes scanning Arin's face. "What's wrong?"

Arin flushes, shaking his head with a shy smile of embarrassment as he looks anywhere else. "It's nothing, I'm just... really not looking forward to getting the stitches out. You know. When we get back, I'm not even gonna want to cook or anything like I'd planned to."

Dan nods in understanding, setting his phone down on the seat cushion next to him. "We can have the chicken parm tomorrow then, how about that? And tonight we'll just eat whatever you want and watch Speed Racer if you want to. I know it's your favorite."

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