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The rest of the ride is quiet until they pull into Arin's driveway, making sure there's still enough room for Suzy's car to pull in. Arin shuts off the car and reaches over to open his door, but Dan stops him.

"Wait," the older man says, pulling Arin closer to him the best he can while they're in their seats and the console is between them. He leans over it and Arin meets him halfway as their lips connect. When Dan pulls back, he wets his lips. "Okay, now let's fuckin' head inside before I lose my mind. It's getting hard to keep my hands to myself."

They get out and head up to the front door quickly, Arin's hands shaking as he tries to unlock the door quick enough, as if they'll lose the moment if he doesn't. He gets it open and steps inside just as quickly, turning around as soon as Dan closes the door only to be met with another kiss.

Dan shrugs off his nice leather jacket, letting it fall by their feet before he gently moves forward until Arin's back is against the wall by the coat rack. The younger of the two sighs deeply, his hands on the back of Dan's neck and his fingers tangled up in the older man's wild curls.

Dan kisses away from Arin's lips, moving down to the side of his neck. Arin tilts his head a little, his hands sliding down to Dan's shoulders and chest. He pushes Dan away slightly, swallowing.

"Are you really sure you want to go all the way?" he asks, because he has to be sure. He doesn't think that Dan is ready, as much as Arin wants him to be, yet Dan seems to want to jump right into things so easily now, unlike before when he was hesitant.

Maybe he's scared that if he doesn't, he'll lose Arin, which would prove that he really didn't want to break up after all, but... in any case, the younger man wouldn't leave him over that. He wouldn't leave Dan over anything.

"I'm sure," Dan replies after a moment of quiet. Arin gives him a curious sort of look, like he's trying to make sure without pressing the matter further. Dan allows himself to smile and Arin returns it, linking their fingers. "I really am sure, Ar. I promise. I've had plenty of time to back out if I wasn't. I really do want you- all of you, even if I'm scared and even if part of me thinks it's a little weird sometimes. Deep down I know it's not, and so... I love you and I want you, Arin, and I plan to actually show it instead of just saying it, like I have been."

The younger of the two looks at the older thoughtfully, his heart swelling up with all love he feels for him. Arin finds himself squeezing Dan's fingers before he lets go.

"Why don't we take this upstairs then?" he whispers and Dan bites down on his own lip with a nod, reaching down to pick up his jacket off the floor, instead hanging it up on the coat rack. He takes off his shoes after he steps away from Arin, who, after Dan stands upright again, takes him by the hand once more and leads him through the kitchen, where the cats are busy eating, and then takes him up the stairs. Instead of turning to the left and entering the guest bedroom, they bypass it completely and Dan is taken into Arin and Suzy's bedroom.

Arin moves over to the lamp by the bed and turns it on as Dan stands awkwardly by the doorway. He doesn't stay there for long because Arin comes back over to him and pushes him against the slightly open door, closing it completely. Dan's breath catches in his throat as Arin kisses him deeply- it's so different not being the one in control like he normally is, though he doesn't think it's a bad kind of different.

Arin's hands find the backs of Dan's thighs and suddenly the older man is off of the ground, mostly held up by Arin's body pressing his into the door. Dan lets out a noise of surprise and then Arin lifts him a little higher, readjusting. When Arin's sure he's got him, he moves away from the door, holding Dan up all by himself.

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