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They don't stay out long for lunch- Suzy's exhausted and swears she's not looking her best and honestly just wants to go home, even though Arin thinks she looks amazing all the time, but in any case he gives in and lunch is cut short.

She rests her eyes on the drive home, music playing quietly to fill the silence. Arin feels a bit sluggish as he drives, but he makes sure to be careful and tries not to disturb Suzy. Once home, he helps her get inside and she immediately kicks off her shoes and heads into the living room, falling onto the one and as well as the middle seat of the couch.

Arin carries her luggage upstairs for her before he sits down beside her in his usual spot, letting her feet fall into his lap. He rubs them for her, because he cares and she deserves it, and she easily falls asleep, Mimi curled up in her own lap.

Arin texts Dan to let him know that Suzy is napping now, but as soon as she wakes up, then he can come over. However she doesn't sleep for any longer than about an hour, tops.

"I'm honestly just feeling so tired," she giggles sleepily as she stretches and then runs her fingers through Mimi's fur. "I haven't been sleeping all that well. I missed you too much."

He feels like it's also because she's been worrying over him, but he doesn't say that out loud. Instead, he says, "I've missed you too. I couldn't sleep that great either unless I was curled up with Dan or just fuckin' drunk, and the night that neither was the option was kind of hard. I ended up taking medicine to make myself drowsy so I could just sleep in peace."

She nods sadly. "Yeah, I understand that, really. But I'm here now, so we both will be sleeping better, I hope. Oh, and is Dan coming by at all so that we can talk, or...?"

"Yeah, I just have to text him and let him know when to leave," Arin tells her, propping up his own feet on the coffee table. "Should I do that now then?"

"Yeah," she answers, yawning and sitting up a little. "Go ahead and get him over here so we can all sit down and have a chat."

As Arin types out the message, Suzy watches his hands move. "What happened to your hand?" she then asks, gesturing to the cut from Wednesday. "That looks like it hurts a lot, baby."

He shrugs and shakes his head. "It doesn't hurt anymore," he insists, which isn't a lie, but he mostly only says it for her benefit. "I accidentally did it when I was making salad the other day. I got a text from Sean and it scared me as I was cutting tomatoes and the knife slipped. I'm okay though."

She frowns, but doesn't press further. "Oh, you must've forgotten to mention it, but... anyway, I'm glad you're alright, be careful though, babe."

It doesn't take Dan very long to get to Arin's after the younger man texts him- maybe about ten minutes or so. Arin knows he's here before Dan even gets to the door, and without even knocking, Dan comes right inside, making his way into the living room.

"Hey Scuze," he greets as she stands to hug him. He gives Arin a shy smile and a small wave, not sure how to greet him with Suzy around as it's still weird for the both of them for this to actually be real.

Suzy doesn't sit back down on the regular couch, but instead takes a seat on the loveseat and turns slightly so that she's facing the couch, gesturing for Dan to take the seat she previously occupied.

"How was your trip?" the older man then asks her as he sits down at the opposite end of the couch from Arin, putting Dan closer to the loveseat where Suzy now sits. "Any interesting things happen while at your sister's house?"

Suzy tucks a stray piece of her hair behind her ear, smiling and shrugging. "The trip was long and tiring as usual," she states, relaxing a little. "Not many interesting things happened, but I did have a great time at my sister's. I missed her a lot, and it was good to see her. I visited briefly with my parents too, and sadly my mom is back in the hospital, but... I can't do much about it."

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