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Arin wakes before Dan does. It's about 11:30 in the morning and the sunlight is coming in through the window, streaming onto the floor. The younger man looks over to find that Dan is indeed still sound asleep, his eyelashes barely touching his cheekbones, his hair all over the place, his lips slightly parted. He looks beautiful, and Arin can't help himself- he leans forward, pressing a kiss against the older man's forehead before kissing the side of his neck and then pecking his lips.

Dan stirs a little, eyebrows knitting together. Arin watches as his eyelashes flutter open until he's squinting from how bright it is in the room. He smiles widely though when he notices Arin looking at him.

They exchange a few sleepy kisses before Arin sits up, running a hand through his hair. To get out of the bed he has to climb over Dan, and when he actually does it he's reminded of how sore he is. Dan makes sure he's alright and then gets out of bed also, deciding he might as well get dressed too like Arin is, because fuck it, he's already up now.

Once they're dressed they head downstairs. Suzy is working on something for her shop and smiles knowingly when she sees them. She doesn't say anything about it though, only telling them good morning before she continues on with her work.

Dan offers to make breakfast for everyone, though Arin isn't confident in Dan's cooking abilities. He decides to help him and make sure he doesn't burn anything, be it the food or the house or himself.

They end up just making scrambled eggs with spinach and toast and then they all sit down together to eat. Suzy has to suppress a giggle when she notices Arin having a hard time sitting comfortably, and they all know that Arin's going to fill her in later about everything. But in the meantime they make small talk and end up discussing the date that Arin wants to take Dan on.

"Classic dinner and a movie, huh?" Suzy hums, taking another bite of her eggs. "I see. So when are you guys heading out?"

Arin looks at Dan, but the older man just shrugs and continues eating in silence. Arin frowns and instead turns to look at Suzy again.

"I was thinking right after dark maybe," he replies, pushing his now empty plate away. "Or at least like, fuckin'... an hour or two before the movie starts if we're eating first, though I don't know where to go to eat and I'm unsure about what we'll be seeing at the theater. Maybe sushi or something?"

"Sounds fine, and for the movie, we can just pick when we get there," Dan says, sipping some milk. Suzy nods at that, her mouth too full to speak but trying to convey that she agrees.

Once they all finish eating Suzy goes back to her work and Arin sits beside Dan on the couch. The older man wants to catch up on some shows that he missed while on tour, so Arin decides to watch with him.

Dan's head ends up on Arin's shoulder, the younger's hand resting right above Dan's knee, rubbing small circles into his outer thigh with his thumb. The older of the two smiles fondly, his own hand brushing against Arin's.

They end up watching a bunch of SNL and a few other things until Dan gets bored of the TV. They chat with Suzy and switch the game on for a little while instead, playing a few rounds of a multiplayer game. Dan's talking about the tour and asking more about what Arin and Suzy got up to while he was away, petting Mochi, who sits in his lap, after the first round of the game.

When the sun starts setting, Arin looks at the clock and then stands up. "We should probably get ready to go," he yawns as he turns off the game and puts down the controller, making his way from the living room, through the kitchen and over to the stairs. "I'm going to go up and get changed. I need to find something decent to wear."

He disappears, leaving both Dan and Suzy by themselves. It's then that Suzy finally turns to Dan, frowning.

"Why is it that you seem to not want to go on this date with Arin?" she questions, her full attention on him instead of her work. Dan's eyes flicker over to her, but they quickly shift away after. He's not surprised that she noticed. "Did something happen? Did he, like, say something wrong or...?"

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