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"Welcome back to Game Grumps."

Arin takes a sip of his drink after speaking, looking over at Dan to get him to fill the silence since he himself can't at the moment.

"Yeah, welcome back," the older man says with a bright smile directed at his boyfriend. "I'm not exactly sure what we're playing today but I think it's a multiplayer game, right? I don't know, I just know I haven't played it before. Isn't this like another fuckin' golf game or some shit?"

"Yeah, baby, you bet," Arin replies after he swallows, passing one of the controllers to Dan. The older shakes his head but he's smiling, and he takes the controller from Arin's hands quickly. They go to the customization screen and Arin gives Dan a look. "Okay, so- we have to pick the color of our balls, Dan."

"Yes, Arin, I'm seeing this." Dan laughs and chooses a dark blue color while Arin goes for a soft pink. "I really don't know what you were getting at right then so honestly I'm just fuckin' confused at this point."

Arin huffs, but he isn't seriously annoyed. "You just don't understand me, man," he murmurs, shaking his head disappointedly before he changes the way his voice sounds for the bit. "You never understand what I'm going through, Mom! Ugh, like, oh my god, whatever. It's not 'just a phase'. Literally this is my life."

Dan chuckles, rolling his eyes. "Well, anyway... I hope the controls aren't too janky on this game. It's already shitty as it is."

Arin tuts. "How do you know it's shitty if you've never played it before, huh? Something isn't adding up, Daniel."

Dan gestures to the screen. "I mean, just look at it," he argues, waving his hand around for effect. The graphics certainly aren't the best and the physics are pretty awful too. "And hey, if something isn't adding up here it's your fuckin' sass, dude. What the hell is with you today?"

"I don't know!" Arin exclaims, bursting out into laughter until he starts coughing. "Fuck, I dunno, man, I'm just feeling pretty competitive today."

"Aren't you always competitive though?"

Ignoring that, Arin grins. "Hey, hey, why don't we make this more interesting?" he suggests, and Dan doesn't like that mischievous look in his eyes and in his tone. He looks at Arin out of the corner of his eye before he says anything back.

"Hm, interesting how?" the older man replies cautiously, a little intrigued.

"Mmm," Arin hums with a slight smirk, "How about the loser sucks the winner's dick? Does that sound fair to you, Danny?"

"Oh my god, of course you would fuckin' suggest that. You know what? Whatever, dude, hope you're okay with sucking my dick then because I'm not losing."

Dan knows for sure that Arin is, in fact, perfectly okay with sucking him off. So much so that he might actually lose on purpose, though Dan has a good feeling Arin would still do it anyway, even if he won.

He can tell that Arin is getting a little antsy- they've been so busy with things as of late that they haven't had too much time with each other in general, let alone enough time for intimacy and dates and sex. At this point, Dan is willing to bet that Arin will do just about anything.

"Well I'm not losing either," the younger man states, sounding pretty confident. Dan chuckles and Arin finally starts the game up, and since he's player one, he gets to go first.

"So then what?" Dan finds himself asking after a moment, just to ask and not because he's that curious about the answer. "What happens if we fuckin' tie or something?"

Arin shrugs, casually taking his turn before he looks at Dan and waggles his eyebrows. "Guess we'll be sixty-nining."

Dan almost chokes, reaching over to shove Arin a little. "Shut the fuck up."

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