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They don't get to spend all that much time together after that. Between going to the office to do Game Grumps or other work, and Dan working on music with Brian, they never really get alone time to themselves. All they get with each other here and there is a lingering gaze and a knowing, fond smile, and perhaps a brush of their fingers together.

Though Arin tries, he can't easily hide his disappointment when he's reminded a couple of days later that Dan and Brian are going on tour very soon. Very soon as in within the next day or so. He tries to find the time to spend with Dan before then, but Dan is still unfortunately busy, and Arin doesn't really get to see him until he's taking him and Brian to the airport.

Arin isn't sure if Brian knows about them or not, but if he does, it's either because he easily guessed after what happened when Arin was drunk and when Dan talked to him, or because either Dan or Suzy told him. Not knowing what Brian knows or doesn't know makes it hard for Arin to talk about anything without feeling like he might give them away, so despite how much he wants to talk, he remains quiet.

And even though it's their last bit of time together until Dan returns from the tour, nothing really happens. Dan doesn't take his hand and hold it tightly, doesn't make conversation with him. Arin wonders if it's because of Brian in the backseat, but either way, it's quiet and Arin kind of hates it right now.

He hates the feeling he gets when they're finally arriving at the airport. It's like some sort of sinking feeling, like there's a pit in his stomach. He feels like he might throw up or have an anxiety attack, but nothing happens. He just wants to ask Dan to stay, but he knows that he can't.

So instead he walks them inside the building, trying to plaster a fake smile on his face but failing, ending up just looking like he's in pain instead. Dan and Brian have to go through security, so they stop right before they reach the area where Arin has to leave them.

They all kind of stand there awkwardly, but Brian seems to pick up on something and senses they want to be alone. "I'm gonna go ahead, Danny," he tells his friend with a small smile, and then waves his goodbye to Arin and heads over to pass through.

Dan fiddles with the handle of his luggage, frowning. Arin runs a hand through his own hair, and then they both just kind of look at each other, and Arin feels his breath catching.

"I'm gonna miss you so fucking bad," the younger admits, trying not to tear up because he can't fucking cry in an airport because Dan's leaving for a little while. This isn't the first tour he's gone on and it won't be the last, yet it feels so different now that they're together- it's a lot harder to see him go, and all Arin can hope for is that it'll just get easier to be apart from him for long amounts of time in the future.

"I'm gonna miss you too, big cat," Dan replies softly, forcing a smile even though it's clear that he's just not feeling it. "But I'll be back before you know it. Just don't think about it so much, okay?"

"But you're gonna be gone for like a damn month to a month and a half at the very least," Arin protests, though he just sounds sad and pathetic when he does. "Maybe even longer, and that's such a long time."

"Hey," Dan murmurs gently, trying to comfort him. He steps a little closer and pulls Arin into a hug. "I know it's different for us both now, but trust me, I'll be back soon- probably like three weeks to a month, tops, but not a goddamn second longer. And I'll fuckin' make sure to call you often or video chat when I have some free time so that you don't miss me too much, okay?"

Arin gives a slight nod, holding Dan tighter if possible.

"And if it helps," Dan whispers as he pulls back, wanting to brush Arin's hair out of his eyes or hold his hand, but not in public, so he instead gives a warm smile, "I'm going to make you a promise right now, that the first thing I'm going to do when I get back home is kiss you breathless. So... just wait until then- wait for me to come home."

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