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Arin wakes up before Dan does. He sits up gently, slipping out of the bed and trying not to wake the older man. He notices that all of the cats occupy the bed as well, and he shakes his head with a smile. He grabs his phone off of the nightstand, checking the time. It's already noon, so he might as well stay up.

Before he leaves for the bathroom, Arin takes a picture of Dan and the cats and sends it to Suzy, making sure to be quiet on his way out so that he doesn't disturb any of them.

In the bathroom, he brushes his teeth, uses the toilet and then strips down for a shower. He starts with a cold one because it usually wakes him up, but he eventually gives in with a sigh and switches the hot water on, basking in the warmth as it cascades over his skin.

When he gets out, he wraps a towel around himself before grabbing his phone and dirty clothes and heading to his bedroom. He dries off, gets dressed, checks twitter, and heads downstairs.

It's weirdly quiet in the house with Dan still asleep. Arin goes and checks the mail before he settles himself down on the couch as he hears his phone go off with a reply from Suzy. He smiles at the screen when he sees it and lets her know how things are going. She asks if he's made any progress with Dan, but truthfully he hasn't even tried and he admits that to her. She warns him that if he doesn't at least try to figure out something, she's going to kick his ass. He laughs when he reads it and tells her that he would willingly let her.

He feels bored after she stops answering, probably getting busy, so he decides to put on the TV. There's nothing that interests him on right now, so instead he just decides to text Ross and Brian and see what they're up to, if they're busy, asking if they want to come over to hang out and have lunch with him and Dan and maybe go somewhere. Brian replies with a "sure, be there soon", and Ross with a "you're up already? lmao" before he agrees to come as well.

Arin also texts and invites Matt and Ryan, though he doesn't hear back from them right away. He wishes he could ask Sean to come, but he doesn't think he's still in the area, although he might be. In any case, Arin gets up in the meantime and starts the coffee for Dan and then heads upstairs to wake him. He steps into the room quietly and makes his way to the edge of the bed, giving the older man a gentle shake or two.

"Hey, Danny, wake up," he says, shaking him a little harder. Dan groans and tries to roll over and ignore him. Arin laughs. "Wake up, ya doof. We're gonna have company so get your butt up and get dressed."

"I don't wanna," Dan whines, but it's muffled by the blankets. Arin's phone chimes, and he checks it to see that Matt has replied at least, saying that they'll be over in about an hour. He shakes Dan again. "Noooo..."

"Ross, Brian, Matt and Ryan are all coming for lunch and to hang out, so get up, Avidan. Don't make me tickle you or something, because you know I fuckin' will, dude."

Dan sighs and rolls back over, blinking up at Arin with sleepy eyes and a cute smile. "Fine, fine, I'll get up," he utters back in defeat. Arin shakes his head at him and backs away as Dan sits up in the bed, rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?"

"A little after noon," Arin answers, turning on his screen and texting Sean to ask if he's gone back home yet or not. "Everyone is coming to eat and hang out and maybe we'll go somewhere, play mini golf or go bowling or do karaoke or something, I don't fuckin' know yet. I'm gonna make a salad for lunch before they get here if you wanna help me cut some shit up."

"Mm, fun," Dan chuckles, stretching before pushing away the blankets. Arin forgot that he's barely dressed and his eyes immediately lock onto Dan's showing skin. He flushes before he looks away and back at his phone. "Do you mind grabbing something out of my duffle bag for me to put on?"

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