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They quickly get into the car, Arin hopping in the driver's seat. Now that they're alone so that it doesn't feel weird and no one can see them, Dan leans over and pulls Arin in for a kiss. The younger man sighs into it, melting a little. It's just what he's been wanting.

Dan's hand smooths over Arin's chest, his thumb brushing against Arin's exposed skin where the top button of his shirt is undone. He pulls back before something else happens, a grin on his face at the way Arin looks almost dazed just from all of that.

"Fuck," the younger breathes, starting the car. Dan giggles as he puts on his seatbelt and reaches for the volume on the radio to turn it up a little. He switches the station until he finds a song he recognizes and leaves it on that.

The sky is beautiful as they pull out of the driveway. The sun's rays are barely peeking out between the trees, the sun itself almost completely sunken below the horizon. All that they can really see is a gorgeous mix of pink and gold and orange as they head towards the restaurant, and when they stop at a light, Arin looks over at Dan.

"You do look really fuckin' nice, Dan," he tells him just because he feels like he should say it, just because he really wants to. Dan finally meets his gaze and smiles shyly. "Thanks for deciding to come out here with me. I wanted to take you on a date because we'd missed like, three anniversaries, and we've never gone on one before, so... yeah."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that," Dan murmurs, holding onto his seatbelt strap. "I wish you could've gone with me or something. Fuck, it's just that things just got so hectic after we decided to try to be together, like almost immediately. We didn't have time to really work on things before things got crazy and I went on tour. Do you think I should've waited to agree to this until I got back?"

Arin looks at him like he's insane. "No way. If you had, the three months you were gone would've been so much harder. I didn't mind waiting for you as we are now, and you got some time to yourself which is what you needed and things are okay now. I'm glad you didn't wait."

Dan hums thoughtfully. "Yeah, I guess I'm glad I didn't wait either," he admits as the traffic light turns green and they start moving again. "Last night was... fuckin' crazy. We didn't really get to talk about it since we were so tired after, but... fuck, Arin, that was something else."

Arin fidgets a little, smiling shyly. "It was," he agrees, thumb tapping on the steering wheel. "Honestly, though, it would've been so much better if you'd fucked me."

They both laugh a little. "Oh god, you're right," Dan whines after, briefly catching Arin's eye. "I mean, it was still great but... yeah, I should've fucked you."

"Or I should've fucked you," Arin suggests, but once again Dan is chuckling.

"Don't get ahead of yourself there, Ar. I um... I hate to say it but I'm far from being comfortable with that. As it is, I'm still trying to get over the fact that I touched your dick, so, uh... yeah, it's gonna take a hot minute for me to want to put it anywhere near my mouth or my ass."

Arin giggles, shaking his head. "Alright, man, that's fair, but you can still fuck me at least. You can do it whenever you want to, if you're ready for it."

"I think I'd be okay with that," Dan replies thoughtfully. "I mean, like... okay, last night was crazy and there were so many things happening, so part of me felt like what we did was perfectly fine by itself, you know? And like... currently, I just, you know, I have to keep telling myself that sex is fuckin' sex no matter who it's with, and that there's nothing wrong with me for wanting to have it with you, but... I want to get to that point where I don't even think about it like that anymore and I can just fuck you and I don't have to worry about feeling wrong for it or any other negative thing after. I want to be comfortable with you, even if that means pushing myself right now."

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