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Nsfw warning!!!


It's quiet again for a few moments, nothing but the sound of them breathing deeply until Arin speaks up, changing the subject.

"So Dan, I um... I didn't get to ask about what you're up to right now or how you've been feeling. Tell me. What's up?"

"Oh, I'm just thinking about whether I want to jerk it or not," Dan half jokes with an exhale and a quiet giggle, trying to lighten the mood a little so it's not so serious. "I'm just like- I'm getting kinda sleepy, but I'm also really horny still and now I'm just feeling all kinds of fuckin' conflicted."

"Ah, well if you decide you're going to," Arin starts casually, twirling a lock of his hair around his finger as his tone goes from joking to cautious, "I'd like to like... fuck, I dunno, maybe listen in or something. I mean, that is only if you don't mind and are comfortable enough."

"Wait, you wanna listen through the phone as I get myself off in some random hotel that is absolutely nowhere close to you?" Dan inquires, and Arin laughs a little at the way he asks, as if the younger man would come barging in if Dan was within a close enough distance from him.

"That's a weird way of putting it, but basically yes," he confirms, his heart pounding and toes curling as he waits for Dan to say something back. "But only if you're okay with it, is also what I'm saying. I just... I dunno, but I wanna know what you sound like when you're touching yourself, I guess."

"You wouldn't be like... bored or anything?" Dan then questions, sounding a little surprised.

"Fuck no, that... I would probably get excited or something, actually. Who the hell would get bored listening to the person they love making all kinds of fuckin' sinful sounds, even if it's through the phone?"

Arin can hear Dan chuckle at his wording, but he knows he's gotten the point across. "You should talk to my ex-girlfriend about that," the older man sighs a little, and somehow Arin can tell he's smiling even in spite of it all. "She hated phone sex with a passion- said it just weirded her out and it didn't do anything for her, which is fair and valid, and I guess I could see how she'd get bored of it quickly."

Phone sex. Now that Dan says it out loud, Arin suddenly becomes a little bit more aware of what exactly he's asking Dan, and what exactly they may or may not do. They've only kissed twice, but they might be doing this. Huh, somehow Arin didn't see it coming despite him being the one who technically brought it up.

"Well, would it be okay if... if we did it?" he asks anyway, deciding to just get over it and cross the line now. If Dan says no, then that's that, and it would be okay. Dan's quiet for a moment, so Arin decides to clarify, "I mean, having phone sex? Would you be okay with that, or like, is it too soon or...?"

There's a long pause that makes Arin uncomfortable and has him holding his breath as he waits for an answer. Just as he's about to back out, he hears Dan inhale deeply, then sigh out, and then eventually Arin hears the words, "You want to?"

The younger of the two blinks dumbly- he didn't expect Dan to actually consider it, let alone basically give in.

"Um, yeah, only if you want to," Arin answers after a moment, his heart pounding. It feels awkward talking about it before they do it, but he supposes that can't be helped and he just has to get over it. "Like only if you legitimately want to. Don't you dare fuckin' agree to it if your heart's not in it because you think it'll hurt my feelings. Dude, I promise, it's not gonna upset me if you don't really want to."

The weird quiet comes again and Arin wonders if Dan is thinking about it and really debating it or not.

"I want to," Dan finally says, seeming like his mind really is made up. "And before you ask if I'm sure- no, but yes. I mean, the worst that could really even happen is that it just gets awkward as fuck, but... I think that I'm okay with this, and I want to try. It might help me even more, because yes, as of lately I've been getting more comfortable with the idea of kissing you and being with you and having sex with you, but I know there's a chance I might hesitate when it comes down to actually doing it, so- anyway, whatever. Let me just shut my mouth and- yeah, okay, no more talk; let's just fuckin' do it, babe."

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