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Unfortunately, they still haven't heard anything from Dan by the time it hits 4PM. With a soft, bored sigh, Suzy checks her phone again and then sets it back down- no new messages still, and she knows that Arin hasn't gotten any either.

"I guess I'll just have to get whatever for dinner and hope he likes it," she says with a shrug, getting up and stretching. "Do you wanna come with me to the store?"

Arin looks up at her, but shakes his head. "Nah, I'll just wait here in case he shows up before you get back. I'm kinda in the mood to play a game now anyway, so I'm more than likely just gonna do that instead, if that's alright with you."

"Of course it is. I'm just gonna go out now and get it out of the way, and I shouldn't be gone super long or anything." Suzy slips on her shoes and grabs her purse, keys and phone, heading towards the door. On her way, she calls out, "I love you. I'll be back soon."

"I love you too." Arin hears the door closing and the car starting, and then Suzy pulling away in the car. He sits there for a while after she's left, thinking about Dan, about Suzy and how she felt she had to send a message to him that made Arin seem like a pathetic, insecure crybaby. Though he guesses that he kind of is one.

He's scolding himself in his mind - "goddammit, no more of your whiny bullshit, Arin" - and hopes that he can stop feeling like this. He thinks that he should actually listen to Suzy and feel better about himself and just be happy that Dan is even with him at all, but he pushes all of this to the back of his mind for now and instead takes a deep breath, deciding to focus on worrying about what to get Dan for their three month anniversary, or worry about if he should even get anything now. He wonders if he should take Dan out on a date to celebrate, or maybe just spend all of tomorrow doing things with him, or... whatever Dan might want to do. Arin isn't sure.

Suzy has only been gone for about fifteen minutes when Arin actually hears back from Dan- finally. The message reads, 'Took me long enough, but I just got off the plane and shit and now I'm in the car with Rachel and Brian, so we're on our way- might take about 45 minutes or so. Oh, and sorry for not being able to text back! Though my phone's actually almost dead right now, so I'll have to talk to you when I get there.'

As Arin goes to type out his response, he gets another message in.

'And I love your picture, by the way- it's super sexy and you look really good, dude, holy shit! Brian almost saw it though, so I'll have to be careful next time, haha! But anyway, I'll see you soon, big cat. Ugh, I can't wait.'

Arin can't help but to smile. 'Neither can I!' he texts back, quickly adding, 'And thank you. I'll see you shortly, Danny.'

Dan doesn't respond again, but it doesn't matter; Arin feels jittery and excited knowing that it won't be long until he gets to see him again. He's really missed him, honestly, and it's been too long.

He originally considered asking to join Dan on tour, but thought that Dan might want some space and time away from him. And he also didn't think that it'd really be fair to Suzy, especially since she'd just gotten back not too long before Dan left. Perhaps next time Dan goes on tour, Arin will see if he could maybe join- unless next time is a Starbomb tour, that is.

As he waits for Dan and Suzy, Arin tries to find something to do to pass the time. He checks his social medias and comments on some of his friends' posts, he plays with the cats, and even starts sketching and doodling just whatever, but it still feels like time isn't passing or something.

With a sigh, he heads upstairs eventually to make sure the guest bed is made up for Dan and then to just grab laundry so he can start some wash so that Suzy doesn't have to- trying to find anything to do to keep himself busy. After leaving the laundry room, he heads back upstairs with the clean clothes and sheets and things to put everything away.

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