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Nsfw warning !!


They stay there like that for a bit longer, talking softly until Arin asks if Dan wants to stay the rest of the night. Dan agrees, but his condition is that Arin has to eat something, so they end up in the kitchen and Arin eats something light but filling, while Dan helps himself to the snacks in the cabinet. Afterwards, Arin excuses himself to give Suzy a call, slipping away outside through the sliding glass door in the living room.

They talk over the phone for a while. Arin tiredly explains to her the good news and Dan's conditions but doesn't forget to apologize for his behavior and for making her worry. He says that things still don't feel amazing, but they're better than they have been, and he thanks her for all her help, letting her know that he loves and misses her.

He rejoins Dan not long after, and they sit down and play a game together and just have a fun time, easily slipping back into things like nothing happened at all. When they get tired, they head into Arin and Suzy's room to put on a movie in case they fall asleep while watching something.

Under the warm blankets, they hold each other close. Arin's head rests upon Dan's shoulder, with Dan's cheek pressing against the younger's crown. Their fingers connect easily, and though they're watching a movie and though they're sleepy, they talk some more, making each other giggle softly and smile like idiots.

Part of Arin is afraid that Dan's going to eventually change his mind and that this won't work out, but for now he tries not to think about it, just allowing himself to enjoy his time here with his best friend and potential lover while he can.

Saturday comes and goes like it's nothing. It's not a bad day or anything, but very slow. Instead of lying around all day, they decide to get back to work at the office, where things can feel a lot more normal for them, so that they can record a few episodes in advance until it's time to leave.

Arin doesn't want to be sleeping alone again, but he also doesn't want to make Dan uncomfortable so soon, especially since they're technically in public and they're not planning on saying anything yet to anyone about whatever this relationship is now. So Arin doesn't suggest that Dan spend the last night with him tonight, he doesn't hug him goodbye or kiss his cheek or tell him that he loves him like he wants to. He just lets Dan go his separate way with a small smile, a wave, and a "drive safe, Dan, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Are you sure you want to be alone?" Dan asks him then, his fingers curling around the door handle. "I know how you get."

"It's okay, I'll manage," Arin insists with a dismissive wave of his hand and a nervous chuckle, opening up his own door. "You go home and get some rest and don't fuckin' worry about me, okay? Goodnight, Danny."

Dan frowns a little, but he nods. "Okay," he says, unsure and reluctant. "Goodnight, Arin."

Arin leaves after Dan does. The drive home gives him some time to think, but his insecurities are what rise to the surface first. He tries his best to ignore them until he gets to his house, where he can drown them out and forget about them until the morning.

He stops to pick up liquor on his way home, and he doesn't touch the bottle he buys that now sits on the front seat until he's taking it inside; he's not going to drink and drive again.

And when he sits on his couch to drink and play games and forget what's going on in his head, he feels good, a lot better. He almost wishes that he could call Dan over to hang out, even, but decides against it and eventually just heads upstairs to bed.

He pauses on his way, coming to a stop in front of the guest bedroom and then he gently pushes open the door. It's still a mess from when Dan was sleeping in it- Arin hasn't touched anything in here since then.

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