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Dan stays for dinner and Arin cooks since Suzy is so tired still. He makes stuff that's easy and quick to cook and whatever uses the least amount of dishes- so mostly grilled cheese sandwiches. Dan helps since he doesn't have much else to do besides awkwardly sit around or bother Suzy while she's sleepy.

After eating, they all settle down on the couch and put on a movie- Arin slumps against Dan's chest while Suzy leans on him, her head resting on Arin's stomach. Dan gently kisses the lightly scarring area on Arin's forehead as Suzy drifts off to sleep, and for the moment, everything is kind of... perfect.

When the movie ends they put on another, but after the second one, Dan figures he should go home since Suzy sits up and rubs her eyes and asks Arin if he's coming to bed with her or staying up longer, and he'd feel bad for keeping Arin up and away from her.

She lets Dan know that he can stay in the guest bedroom if he wants instead of going home, but Arin almost protests when he remembers that the bed isn't made up because of his little incident and he goes pink in the face at the thought, wondering if he should say anything about it or not. Though he figures that the sheets should've been washed anyway and he reckons he could easily use that as an excuse if either of them ask about the sheets being gone.

"I can help you make up the bed, dude," Arin offers in an attempt to get Dan to stay as well, but the older man seems unsure. Maybe he's scared that he's intruding or something, when he should know he isn't. "You should really just sleep here tonight since it got so late and everything. It's not a problem, obviously."

"Are you sure, man?" Dan asks worriedly, frowning. "I just want to make sure I'm not being a fuckin' bother or something because you've spent so much time with me this week and I don't want to take time away from you and Suzy too. We just talked about this."

Suzy waves her hand with a yawn. "Aw, Danny, don't worry about that!" she tells him, because she thought she made it clear that him being around and doing shit with Arin didn't bother her, but she guesses he might just need some reassurance. "I'm too tired to spend any real time with him right now. I am interested in spending time with my bed though."

She laughs, and it makes Dan smile a little and has him feeling a bit less tense than before.

Arin steps closer to him then and gently takes his hand, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to the scar on Dan's eyebrow. "So, are you staying?" he asks, and Dan just shrugs and nods with a grin, throwing his hands up in defeat.

"Fuckin'... yeah, alright, I'll stay."

Arin grins as well, stepping back to give Dan some space. "Good. I'm gonna help Suzy upstairs and then help you make up the bed in the guest bedroom."

With another nod, Dan sits back down on the couch and Arin walks a tired Suzy towards the stairs. She waves goodnight to Dan before they disappear from sight for a little bit. Arin returns not much longer after, turning off some of the unneeded lights on his way to where Dan waits for him in the living room. He quickly brushes by and heads into the laundry room, where he pulls out the now clean sheets from the dryer.

Arin nods towards the stairs, so Dan shuts off the TV and the lights and follows as the younger heads up. Arin flicks on the light in the guest bedroom and passes Dan the pillow cases while he works on putting the sheet on the large bed. Dan tosses the pillows at Arin, who laughs before he arranges them however.

He helps Dan put on the top sheet and the comforter, and then the bed is all made up. Dan falls backwards onto it, stretched out completely.

"Ah, comfy," he sighs with a smile. Arin watches him, wanting so badly to lean down and capture his lips in a kiss, but of course he doesn't. Dan is quiet for a moment, but then he sits up a little, a weird expression on his face. "Do you wanna take a walk with me, maybe?"

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