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The particular karaoke bar and grill they're at has a pool table and a few other activities. There's a few people around but not too many, and the ones that are lingering are mostly at the bar or sitting down to eat their lunches.

They all find a large roundish booth close to the stage that they all can fit in and try to decide who gets to go first. Arin and Brian want Dan to, but Dan wants Ross to. Ross would prefer not going first and suggests that Matt and Ryan start off with a silly duet. Matt is into it, but Ryan asks Sean if he'd rather go first instead, just in case.

In the end, it's Matt and Ryan who get up there. Matt wants to do "Baby Shark", but Ryan wants to do "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart" for shits and giggles. They have a vote and the only one who votes for "Baby Shark" is Sean, but even as he votes for that one he states that he doesn't care what song they sing really.

So they end up singing "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart", and it's so weird yet hilarious that everyone else at the booth can't stop laughing. Even Matt starts laughing halfway through the song, so much so that he gets embarrassed.

They return to the booth afterwards and take their seats, sipping on their drinks as they try to figure out who is going next. Brian shrugs when they ask him if he wants to go and he gets up there, picking "Baby Shark" since Audrey likes it so much that he learned the words already and because Matt didn't get to do it.

The best part about it is how stone-faced he is the entire time he sings. He returns to the booth after with a bow as they clap and Sean asks Ross if he wants to do a duet with him. While they're up there singing, Dan turns to Arin and asks if he wants to do a duet with him as well.

"Okay," Arin agrees with a nod, "But what song do you want to do? I don't really know any songs that we could sing together."

Dan hums, searching his brain for any ideas. "Ah, what about a Disney song?" he asks with a grin. "I've been watching a lot of the Disney movies lately and they tend to have duets, don't they? Like in the princess ones?"

"Oh, sure," Arin replies quietly, his face feeling warm when he continues with, "Wasn't there like a really nice one at the end of the Rapunzel movie? We could fuckin'... do that one, if you want to."

"Oh yeah, you're talking about "Tangled"? Sure, dude, I'm totally up for it. Do you remember how it goes?"

Arin thinks about it, but then he nods. "Yeah, man, I believe so."

"Okay, "I See The Light" it is then," Dan murmurs with a small smile. At that point, Ross and Sean get off of the stage and settle back in at the booth.

"Who's next?" Sean inquires, looking between Arin and Dan. "One or both of you get to go next, so have you guys thought of a song yet?"

"Yep," Dan responds cheerfully as he slides out of the booth after Arin. "We're gonna do that cute song from "Tangled". It's gonna be great. I hope they have it- they have Disney shit, don't they?"

"Yeah," Ross tells him. "I saw a category specifically for it when Sean and I were picking our song. Now get up there and make fuckin' fools of yourselves for our entertainment. Begone."

Arin laughs. "Don't we always do that though?"

Dan leads the way to the stage and they climb up onto it, heading over to the machine where they select a song. Once they find it, they listen to a sample of it to make sure they remember it right before they each grab a microphone and start the song.

Dan takes Flynn Rider's role in the song, leaving Arin to sing Rapunzel's parts. It's a sweet song and they can't help but to giggle through it, half looking at the mini screen for the lyrics they can't remember and half looking at each other.

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