980 17 30

Nsfw, graphic, unedited !!


Dan hums, his fingers dancing up and down Arin's spine. "Well," he finally says to change the subject, his voice low, "Why don't you let me help you get out of your clothes since you're still completely dressed? You must be dying from not getting any real attention, and fuck, I wanna see some of that skin of yours, babe."

Arin rolls his eyes but he's smiling, leaning in to kiss Dan's lips once more. Dan digs his fingertips into Arin's back, grabbing the bottom of the shirt when he reaches it to pull it over Arin's head, which breaks the kiss. The shirt is tossed to the floor and the pants are quickly pushed off until the younger man is left in his underwear.

"What the hell?" Dan nearly whines as he looks Arin over, brushing back his own hair. "Goddammit, Arin, look at yourself; you're so fucking gorgeous and it's unfair as shit. Like I thought you looked fantastic in your clothes, but out of them? Holy shit, baby."

Arin sort of feels like Dan is just saying that, but he can't help it when the words go straight to his dick, making it twitch. His face feels too hot and he feels a little embarrassed with Dan looking at him like this, but it's making him harder, if that's even possible.

"Fuck," he breathes out, wanting to say thanks or return the compliment or something, but before he can, Dan kisses him once more, lightly. So all Arin says when he pulls back is, "I love you, Dan. A whole fucking lot."

Dan smiles. "I love you too," he replies as he holds Arin close, letting his fingers trace over Arin's bare skin. They glide across Arin's chest and stomach, teasingly pulling on the elastic waistband of Arin's boxer briefs.

After a moment of just light touches, Dan steps back a little and hesitantly slides his hand down to cup Arin's cock and balls in the palm of his hand, feeling how hot they are and feeling them pulsate and throb against his hand, all through the fabric, relishing in the fact that it's because of him. He's aware that Arin's watching him carefully- he can probably tell how nervous Dan is about all this. The older man has never touched a dick that wasn't his own before now and it's a little strange, but he's feeling mostly okay with this so far, and this situation seems okay right now. So he doesn't have much to worry about, he supposes.

He presses into the fabric covered bulge with the palm of his hand, rubbing in small circles. Arin's breath catches and his head falls onto Dan's shoulder, his eyes shut tight. Dan presses harder, but then just decides to spin them both around so that he can gently push Arin down onto the bed instead. The younger man bounces a little when he falls onto the mattress and looks up at the older, cheeks still flushed and eyes half-lidded, nipples hardened and underwear tight and damp- and fuck, he's already got Dan feeling excited again.

Arin quickly slips off his underwear and tosses them over into the pile of their other clothes by the small dresser, leaving him fully nude and vulnerable, on display for Dan's eyes only right now. Dan takes a moment to look at Arin's cock, admiring the way it curves opposite of his own, the way it's also flushed a bright pink and the way it's slightly leaking from the top. He feels a small burst of confidence and reaches down to touch, his thumb stroking over the tip.

Arin's so sensitive right now that he lets out a low moan at the feeling, struggling to hold his own hips still as Dan touches him. His eyes meet Dan's before the older lets go and moves onto the bed with the younger. One of Dan's knees plants firmly on the mattress between Arin's thighs as he lowers himself over him to kiss him softly. Arin's fingers get lost in Dan's curls as Dan grinds down against him, and they both let out shaky exhales and swears when their cocks touch.

Arin rolls them over so that Dan's on his back and Arin is straddling his lap, the older's half-hard cock slightly brushing against the younger's taint. They both shiver at the feeling and their lips connect again as they kiss deeper and deeper. Arin's hands roam Dan's chest and he moves to plant kisses all over Dan's neck and collarbone, sucking a dark colored mark somewhere that can easily be hidden with a shirt.

i like you (say it back) ; egobangWhere stories live. Discover now