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Chapter one

For as long as they could remember, they were told to stay in the shadows, to not let anyone see them or know what they were. If they were to be found out, they would be enslaved.

Dean, his twin sister, and little brother were always told to stay behind and what to do if their father never came back. Dean always took care of them, made sure they had food, water, and a dry place to sleep. He knew if they were caught, it would be bad. They were Omegas.

Omegas were kept as slaves. They were bound to their masters in every way possible, a mating bite, marriage, and a literal leash. Some weren't as strict. If your family could find an Alpha for you, it was fine if that would happen, but if they couldn't, you were required to hand them over. You would get paid, of course, for your cooperation.

The Omegas were rare and in short supply, so a law was passed to make sure that families would be able to carry on and not die out.

Most Omegas now were male, there were a few that were female, but most were Betas. It was the males that everyone wanted, they were more fertile than the females.

Their whole lives they prayed they would be Betas or Alphas. They didn't want to be Omegas. Being one scared them more than anything. At fourteen, the twins presented as Omega and John hatched a plan. There was no way he was going to sell his children. They were the only thing he had left that reminded him of his wife.

John had been gone for a week, and they were running low on food, they had plenty of water. Dean sighed, looking around, they weren't able to leave the apartment, and there was no way they would survive if Dean didn't do something about the situation.

"Don't even think about it," Hazel said, looking at her brother. She knew what he was thinking.

"I gotta get us food," Dean said.

They were eighteen and could get by, but Sammy, he was only fourteen and newly presented as an Omega. They had tried their best to hide his scent while their father was away, but there was only so much they could do to hide the scent of his heat.

Hazel was looking out the window when she saw the van coming down the street, Omega catchers, she grabbed the go-bag and helped her little brother up.

Dean came out of the bathroom, spotting his sister moving around quickly. He grabbed Sam, and they ran out the door.

Heading out back when they heard a neighbor telling the catchers which way they were going.

"Just leave me," Sam said. The wind was cold on his skin. The fever had set in, he knew there was no way that the three of them were going to outrun the catchers with him in heat.

"No, no way," Dean said, hosting Sam up more.

"Dean, you and Haze will find me, but you gotta get somewhere, find dad," Sam said.

"There they are!" the man yelled.

"Go," Sam yelled, pulling away from Dean.

Not wanting to be caught himself, Dean listened to Sam and took off after his sister, looking back to see the catchers collaring Sam who wasn't fighting.

The other two ran after Dean and Hazel, who had tears streaming down her face. Their baby brother was about to be subjected to the horrors they swore he would never have to face.

They finally found a place to stop, hearts pounding, they were out of breath. They were further into the woods then they would like to be, but they didn't have a choice. The catcher had finally given up, not being able to smell them had helped mask their scents as much as possible.

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