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Cas and Dean were happy they got the family dinners out of the way, and now they needed to figure out when they were going to make the mating official.

"I think it's stupid; you have to tell them when you have sex," Hazel said.

They were doing laundry while John and Cas went out to discuss the formalities.

"I know, but I'm tired of running, and if things are changing, then we will report the mating," Dean said.

"Jimmy wants to be my Alpha," Hazel said.

"What did you say?" Dean was curious.

"I said it was fine. I mean, if will get Dad off my back about stuff, and he gets me," she said, not looking at her brother.

Dean looked at her, "you like him," he said.

"No, I don't," she said, walking away.

Dean followed her back into the house. He was teasing her the whole way Sam was sitting at the kitchen table doing homework. He looked up, hearing his siblings squabbling.

"Leave me alone," Hazel warned. She wasn't playing with him. It was stupid she wasn't going to admit that she liked Jimmy.

"Come on, Haze, this is a big deal," Dean said.

"What is a big deal?" Sam asked.

"Haze has a crush," Dean said.

Hazel growled and punched Dean, knocking him back, he looked at her. She raised an eyebrow, and he jumped on her. Rolling around on the floor, punching and swearing Cas and John walked in while Sam was yell at them to knock it off.

John picked up Hazel while Cas grabbed Dean, both of them bloody and shirts ripped.

"I told you to," she yelled.

"Go get cleaned up, Jimmy is on his way over," John said, letting her go.

Cas looked at Dean, "what happened?" Cas asked, walking over to the fridge.

"I was teasing her about Jimmy," Dean said, ashamed of what he did.

John growled in frustration; he would never understand why they provoked each other, and Dean knows how short of a fuse Hazel has, and he still did things to make her angry.

"Leave your sister alone," John said.

Jimmy showed up fifteen minutes later.

Hazel was ban to her room until Jimmy got there John was tired of her flying off the handle anytime someone said anything to her.

Jimmy went to talk to her, see if she would go talk to someone sooner, then they had talked about.

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