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Chapter 19

Gabriel was having a company party, and he invited Cas and Jimmy had told the twins it was how Gabriel got new investors for the company. Hazel and Dean didn't want to go it was a black-tie which meant they would have to dress up.

"This is ridiculous, I look like a cupcake," Hazel said as she and Dean got ready in her room.

"Sis, you look beautiful. Come here, I'll zip it for you," Dean said, smiling at Hazel.

They looked one last time in the mirror Hazel adjusted Dean's bow tie, and they left the room.

Cas and Jimmy were at the bottom of the steps. Both were standing there with their mouths staring up at their mates.

"You are going to catch flies," Hazel teased.

Jimmy and Cas cleared their throats, "you look," Jimmy started.

"Like I belong on the top of a cake, why is it so fluffy?" Hazel replied.

"I was going to say beautiful," Jimmy said, kissing Hazel lightly.

Cas paid Dean a ton of compliments as well tell him how handsome he looked, and he couldn't wait to get him home.

Hazel fussed with her dress while Dean tugged at his collar, Jimmy and Cas told them both to stop it was only for a few hours and they would be fine. Dean and Hazel both made faces and crossed their arms.

"I don't know why I have to go, I have a pup at home," Hazel pouted.

"It looks good for Gabriel. A lot of the investors are family-oriented," Cas replied.

"Please, try not to stab anyone," Jimmy said, tilting Hazel's head, so she was looking at him.

Hazel sighed and told them she wasn't making any promises. Cas and Jimmy shook their heads. Maybe Hazel should have stayed home.

They finally pulled up to the crib, the driver opened the door, Jimmy and Cas got out first followed by Dean and then Hazel, she stayed behind Jimmy not wanting her picture taken, Dean did the same with Cas they didn't tell them about this part.

"I'm sorry we forgot about that," Cas said, making sure they were ok.

The twins nodded the followed Jimmy and Cas into the hall where the dinner party was at, Gabriel was happy to see them, he was excited they all came it had been too long since Cas and Jimmy had been to an event.

Jimmy and Cas knew a lot of people introducing Dean and Hazel to the Alphas, who were polite but ended up ignoring them as usual. Hazel sighed and told Jimmy she was going to sit down, taking Dean by the hand leading him to the table with Cas and Jimmy's names on it, Hazel sat down Dean beside her.

They were talking about how boring the party was for them when a couple of Omegas asked if they could sit and wait for their Alphas. Hazel and Dean nodded and said it was fine.

"Oh my god! Did you hear?" the Omega said.

"Wait?" her friend asked.

"James is mated to the Omega that shot his brother," the Omega said.

Dean placed a hand on Hazels, telling her to bide her time before she reacted.

"Well, I heard Michael whore her out," the friend replied, taking a sip of her drink.

"I also heard that she has a bastard pup that James is raising as his own," the Omega said.

Hazel was fuming; she stood up, knocking her chair over not caring who saw or who hear and stomped up to Jimmy.

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