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Hazel woke Dean, who wasn't really sleeping anyway, she could hear people talking. There was a crawl space in the closet as they grabbed their stuff and headed inside it where they could listen to the men talking.

"They are Johns kids. They need to know where their daddy is," the man said.

"How do you know they are here?" the other man asked.

"Sam was caught, Hazel and Dean won't be too far."

Hazel mouthed that it was Uncle Bobby. Climbing out of the crawl space, Dean first, he helped his sister out. They were careful in case it wasn't Bobby. The door opened. The twins were armed with heavy branches they had collected the night before.

Hazel waited for Dean to give the signal for them to both jump out swinging.

"Goddammit," Bobby yelled as Hazel made contact.

"Uncle Bobby?" Hazel asked.

"No, it's the Pope," he snarked back.

"Sorry," they said.

Bobby told them that he knew where their father and their brother were being kept. John was picked up by the police for harboring Omegas. He was sent to prison for the next five years, and Sam was "adopted" by Gabriel Novak of "Novak Candies."

"How do we get him?" Dean asked.

"Is there any way to bust Dad out?" Hazel asked.

"No, and there might be a way to get Sam," Bobby said.

Bobby told them that he was in contact with a safe house that the twins could stay in while they came up with a plan to save Sammy.

They gathered up their stuff, making sure that there was not a trace of them before leaving.

The twins trusted Bobby, but they didn't know the other guy, and their father told them not to trust anyone that wasn't family. They didn't have many they considered family.

Bobby signaled them to wait, they felt exposed waiting outside, anyone could see them and report that someone could possibly be harboring Omegas.

"Come on," Bobby said, motioning them to follow.

The safe house was lovely, a small one-bedroom filled with the basics: a bed, a table, and a lamp. The living room had a couch and TV, a small fireplace. The kitchen and the dining room were separated by a counter, a small table with four chairs.

"Just us?" Dean asked as Hazel looked around.

"For now, you two have dibs on the bedroom," Bobby said.

The other man was looking out the window. He looked like he was looking for someone.

"What's up with you?" Hazel asked the man.

"Nothing, just making sure we weren't followed," he said.

"Haze, he's fine," Bobby said.

"My baby brother was just hauled off by catchers, so forgive me for not trusting the new guy," Hazel snapped back.

Dean looked at her; she wasn't one to mouth off too often. When she did, it was something else that was bothering her. They hadn't had a good night's sleep since they presented.

They were always on guard watching out for each other, Hazel prides herself on the way she took care of Sam. Acting more like a mother than a sister, and she just lost her baby. Hazel always called Sam her baby, John was a drunk until Hazel and Dean presented that is when he finally decided to be their father.

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