Chapter 15

Jimmy paced the front hall waiting for Hazel to come down with Mary so they could leave on the camping /hunting trip that John planned, saying it had been too long since they did anything as a family and that they needed to get together. Jimmy was excited in one way he had never been camping, and from what Cas told him, it seemed like it could be fun now that there weren't any rouge Omegas to rob them.

"There's Daddy," Hazel said, pointing Jimmy as she walked down the stairs with Mary.

Mary clapped and made grabby hands at Jimmy; Hazel laughed, handing the wiggly pup over when they got to the bottom of the stairs.

"How are my girls?" Jimmy asked Mary.

"A little grumpy, but nothing a ride in the car won't fix," Hazel said, picking up the diaper bag and the last of what they needed heading out the door.

Jimmy followed talking to Mary, asking if she was excited to see her grandpa and her uncles, Mary clapped her hands at their names as Jimmy said them. She was learning to say their names, but it was still hard.

"Hey, do you wanna drive?" Jimmy asked they were headed to Johns to meet up and then follow him to the campsite.

"No, you can drive," Hazel said, closing the back hatch and walking around to the passenger side.

The ride was quiet except for Mary babbling in the backseat and Hazel answering like she knew what Mary was saying. Jimmy looked in the rearview mirror and smiled; he never thought he would love a pup as much as Jimmy loved Mary part of him knew it was because she was Hazels, and Jimmy loved her even if she wasn't as affectionate as he would like. Still, Hazel showed her love in other ways, and that made Jimmy happy.

"Jimmy, you passed the house," Hazel said as they drove down the street.

"Sorry I was thinking," Jimmy said with a laugh turning the car around.

Hazel laughed as they pulled up John and Dean, both looking confused. Mary squealed when she saw John, she loved spending time with her gramps, and John loved spending time with Mary.

John was to the car, first pulling Mary out of her car seat much to the toddler's delight.

"Someone is happy to see you," Dean laughed, watching John talk to Mary.

John asked Hazel to go inside to check on Gabe and Sam. They were trying to figure out what Gabe should bring, and John was sure Cas was making it worse. Hazel nodded, kissing Mary before she headed inside to check on her little brother.

John waited for the front door to close before he turned to Jimmy. It had been three weeks since Hazel and Mary moved into Jimmy's house, and John didn't want to pry, but he still wanted to know how things were going.

"Ok, she's still sleeping in Mary's room, but I think it's because they both are up most of the night," Jimmy said, sighing.

He wished he could help Hazel with the nightmares, but Dumah said it was something Hazel would get through, and as long as Jimmy showed her, she had nothing to worry about that should slow down and not happen every night.

"Haze, doesn't come to you at all?" Dean asked, thinking it was weird Hazel always needed a hug after a nightmare.

"Sometimes, but I think she thinks she is bothering me," Jimmy replied as the front door opened, and Hazel's voice rang through.

"I don't care we aren't bringing it, this is to unplug, spend time with family, and you are a Winchester by extension," Hazel said, heading to the car.

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