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Hazel was pouting in the back of the SUV as John and Jimmy drove her to the facility she would be staying at for three weeks. Dean and Sam weren't allowed to go. It was the rules, no siblings, so they said goodbye to the house.

"Baby girl, stop pouting," John said, rolling the window down the smell of burnt sugar cookies filled the car.

"This is stupid," Hazel mumbled. She was angry at John for doing this to her, who was he to tell her how to deal with things.

John sighed, turning in his seat to look at her. She looked a lot like Mary except the same green eyes has her brother. Jimmy was quiet the whole ride, not wanting to fell the rath of her just yet.

"You have to leave the gun," Jimmy said as they pulled up to the facility.

Hazel didn't even look at him just opened the door and got out, she was pissed at him too talking her dad into doing this too her they knew how she felt being away from Sammy and Dean for too long. Anxiety was running rampant as she walked next to John, but she wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of letting them know anything was wrong. She shoved it down with everything else.

"Hello, you must be The Winchesters," they were greeted by a dark-haired woman, she was tan, lean, short with dark brown eyes.

"Yes," John said, holding out his hand.

Hazel looked her up and down crossing her arms across her chest not saying anything to anyone, Jimmy placed a hand on her shoulder, she shrugged it off and moved away from all of them looking out the window she wanted her brothers more than anything right now.

"Why don't we take this to my office? I have papers for you both to sign," the woman said.

John called to Hazel she looked at him and followed. Down the hall, there were other Omegas, a few Betas sitting in a room with a TV, the woman said it was the TV room like Hazel hadn't figured that out already the pointed to the left there was a garden.

"You will have to earn to be able to go out there on your own otherwise. You'll be watched the whole time," Dumah said.

John sighed and looked at his daughter she was pissed, and she was keeping it in he was hoping someone didn't do anything to piss her off, the walked in the off, it was nice a couch, minimal stuff a sofa, desk, computer a small bookcase.

"My name is Dumah, I am a beta and head therapist," she said taking a seat behind the desk, pointing the chairs in front for them to sit, John took on Jimmy took the other Hazel stayed where she was by the door.

"That's Hazel, she's rude," Jimmy said, wanting her to say anything even if it was swearing at him.

She didn't say anything. She just stared at them and waited for Dumah to go on. She explained that Hazel would be kept there for three weeks, and if she needed to stay longer, they would figure it out after her evaluation at the end of three weeks. Hazel looked at the books and then moving on she sighed looked out the window.

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