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Dean peaked out the window seeing Bobby pulling up in front of the cabin.

John hopped out and Cas out of the back.

"Dads out," Dean yelled, opening the front door. He headed out to the porch, his siblings not too far behind.

Hazel shoved Sam out of the way.

"Daddy," Hazel yelled, shoving past Dean and jumping into John's arms.

"Hey, Cas," Dean said, with a half-smile.

"Hello, Dean," Cas said.

Dean hugged John once Hazel let him go, she glared at Cas.

"Baby girl, none of that now we got a few things to talk about," John said.

"I don't have to like him," she said.

"Don't sass me," he warned.

Hazel sighed and went back into the cabin.

John looked at Sam and Dean, who shrugged she had been in moods the past few months, and she wouldn't tell them what was bothering her besides missing her dad and the usual stuff she deals with.

They all filed into the house Dean, and Cas hung back.

"What are you doing here?" Dean asked.
"We will talk about it in a minute," Cas said.

Dean nodded.

"Bull shit, I... who do you think you are?" Hazel yelled at Cas.

"What did I miss?" Dean asked.

"They told," she said, voice thick and on the verge of tears.

"That's not a bad thing, Sis," Dean said.

"It's a public trial," she yelled, tears spilling like a broken damn down her face.

Cas sighed.
He thought he was doing the right thing reporting Michael. He had no idea they were in the middle of modifying the law.
To still protect Omegas but also try the Alphas for abuse in a public forum to make an example out of them.

"Hazel, I'm sorry, I didn't know," Cas said.

She walked up to him.

Dean knew, but he wasn't fast enough, she punched Cas hard in the face.

"You should have kept your fucking mouth shut," she said, walking out the door, slamming it behind her.

Cas was holding his nose eyes water, blood gushing out. Dean grabbed the towel and held it to Cas's face while Sam got ice.

"I'm sorry, she angry at everyone," John said.

"I get it, I do. I had no idea The Authority would want her to testify," Cas said with a stuffy nose.

"I'm gonna go get Haze," Sam said.

"I'll go," John said.

"Dad," Dean said,

"If she starts swinging, I can take her," John said.

John would never hurt Hazel, but he would subdue her if he needed too.

She was high up in a tree, throwing rocks into the woods. She always loved being up high. Hazel saw John and moved higher up in the tree, knowing that John would chase her.

"Hazel, get down here," Joh said.

She looked down at him.

"You are not too old for a whoopin'," he said.

Hazel sighed and dropped down out of the tree. She walked over to him, arms crossed.

"You can't keep punching people you don't like," John said.


"Cas wants to court Dean, and I told him you and Dean were best friends," John said,

"Daddy, I don't care, it's like everyone wants me to be nice to him because he wants to get into Dean's pants," she said.

John sighed and shook his head, he really needed to get Hazel some help for her anger, or it was going to consume her.

He pulled her into a hug and told her that they would talk to the lawyers and see what they could do, but the laws were changing.

Cas and Dean were sitting on the couch when John and Hazel walked in. John gave her a nudge towards Cas.

"I'm sorry I punched you, but if you hurt him, I will shoot you," she said, heading into the room in the back.

"It's a start," Dean said, looking at Cas.

Cas nodded. He knew it was going to take some time and effort to win Hazel over, but he was going to do it if it meant being with Dean, and there was no way he was going to come between Dean and his sister.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to go for a walk," Cas said.

"We can if you feel up to it," Dean said, holding the ice to Cas face.

Dean put the ice down as Cas stood, he held out his hand for Dean to take.

They left, telling John they would be back in about an hour.

Now that the law had changed to Omegas could stay with family until an Alpha was found for them, it was safe for them to go out and about now.

It was even better if they were with an Alpha who intended to court them. All of those needed to be reported to the Authority so they could keep track of Omega numbers.

It wasn't perfect, but it was getting better.

Cas and Dean headed to the pond that wasn't too far from the cabin. They sat down at the end of the dock.

"I um, I wanted to ask if it's ok. I wanted to tell the Authority that I was courting you," Cas said.

"You wanna court me?" Dean asked.

"I wouldn't I wanna court you? You are smart, resourceful, handsome. You care about your family," Cas said.

"And if I say no?" Dean asked.

"I guess I would respect that," Cas said, surprised at Dean's answer.

Dean didn't say anything. He looked out across the water.

Then Dean laughed a bit. There was so much Dean wanted to say to Cas that yeah, he wanted Cas to court him, but there were other things that he needed to work out first.

"What?" Cas asked.

"My sister, shot your brother, punched you, and you wanna court me?" Dean asked.

"I'm not courting your sister," Cas said.

Dean starting laughing a bit harder at the thought of any Alpha courting his sister. He was laughing so hard he started crying.

Cas joined in. He knew what Dean was laughing at. He felt terrible for Hazel and all the Omegas that have been hurt by Alphas, but he too thought about an Alpha trying to court Hazel.

"You can court me, but Haze is my best friend she will be watching you," Dean said.

"I know, your Dad explained."

They talked a bit more about the courting, and they would go on a few dates, and if all went well, they could mate and get married. They headed back into the house to let John know their plan.

Hazel was in the room Dean thought it would be better coming from him then Cas to tell her.

"I know, Dad told me," she said.

"Give him a chance, please," Dean said.

"I will kill him if he hurts you."

Dean nodded and left the room, Hazel followed to start making dinner. She asked if they were all staying, they said yes.

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