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chapter 16

Hazel and Jimmy made their way back to the campsite; everyone gathered around the fire.

Dean cuddled under a blanket with Cas, Sam was a little too close to Gabe for Hazel's comfort, but she didn't say anything, and Mary snuggled in John's lap playing with a stuffed bunny she put in her bag that Hazel was packing.

They sat down around the fire, "who wants s' mores?" Hazel asked, standing back up.

A chorus of me's from her family while everyone else looked confused.

"You've never had a s' more?" Dean asked, looking at Cas.

The Novak men shook their heads and looked down a bit embarrassed.

"Mother never let up have sweets," Cas replied.

"Your mother is a horrible person, but she helped create you and Jimmy, so I guess I can't complain too much," Dean said with a smile.

"I think I have had one, the chocolate with marshmallow on a graham cracker?" Gabe asked.

Sam nodded, saying he was right, Gabe laughed and said he had one, once but he burnt the marshmallow, and it wasn't delicious.

Hazel laughed, grabbing the things she needed handing out sticks and marshmallows and everything else they needed.

" Where did Jimmy go?" Hazel asked, looking for him.

" I'm right here, you looked cold I got a blanket," Jimmy said, holding it up.

Hazle smiled and handed him his stuff; John toasted Mary's while the Winchester's helped the Novak's figure out what they were doing.

"Oh my god! Can we have these all the time?" Jimmy asked savory the flavor he had missed out on his whole life.

They all laughed, Hazel grabbed the blanket, wrapping it around Jimmy's shoulders before settling into his lap.

"Don't get marshmallow in my hair," Hazel said, looking up at Jimmy.

"I'm finished," Jimmy replied with a mouthful of sticky goodness.

Hazel smiled and looked to her left when she saw Sam smack Gabe in the arm; he put his hands up as Sam whispered for him to shut up.

"It's ok, Sammy, he can say what he wants. Don't forget I could shoot you in the same leg in the same spot, and you'll never be able to walk again," Hazel said, feeding some of her s' more to Jimmy.

John laughed as Gabe opened and closed his mouth like a fish; he could win this weekend. Cas shook his head tell Gabe it was better to keep his mouth shut.

"I'm gonna head in, you kids be good," John said, hoisting Mary on to his shoulder, trying no to wake her.

"Here, Daddy, I'll take her," Hazel said, scrambling to get up.

"No, this is time for me to spend with Mary, she is the only granddaughter at the moment I wanna enjoy it," John said carrying Mary to his tent not waiting for Hazel to answer.

Hazel slumped down in defeat she knew what John was doing trying to get her to realize that Jimmy wasn't going to hurt her or force her to do anything if they shared a bed.

"Sweetheart?" Jimmy whispered, pulling Hazel close, "if you are not ok, you need to say something."

"I don't, it's, I'm sorry," Hazel said, jumping up and running to the tent.

"What the hell was that about?" Gabe asked, looking at everyone.

Jimmy sighed and followed Hazel to the tent, saying good night. Dean got up and went to John's tent to talk to him. Dean knew what was up with Hazel, even if she was a helicopter around Mary. They needed to let her. As an Omega, Dean understood the importance of having the pup near her at all times. Alphas, don't fully understand that need.

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