Chapter 18

Jimmy pulled Hazel into his lap, kissing her face and tell her how sorry he was, she smiled and nodded, telling him she understood and she was ok now.

"Can't one of you answer the phone?" Cas asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Haze?" Dean asked.

She looked up with swollen red-rimmed eyes from crying, Dean growled and shoved Jimmy away from Hazel.

"What the fuck did you do?" Dean yelled, pulling his sister into a tight hug, moving her away from Jimmy.

Jimmy shook his head, his blue eyes filling with tears, he slumped down in defeat. Cas knelt next to his brother and asked what happened. Jimmy sighed and wiped his eyes, he told Cas about their mother and what she said and how he snapped at Hazel, and he didn't mean it, it was an accident.

Dean looked at Hazel she nodded confirming what happened, Dean let her go so she could comfort Jimmy.

"Dads been trying to call you," Dean said, looking at Hazel.

"Is Mary ok?" Hazel asked, standing.

"She's fine, Dad was checking in," Dean said.

Hazel nodded and said she was going to call John back, she headed up the stairs. Dean looked at Jimmy and crossed his arms.

"I know, ok, I know," Jimmy sighed, he rubbed his face mad at himself.


The following week Hazel went to see Dumah by herself, Jimmy was acting weird, and she needed to talk to someone outside of her family.

"Weird, how?" Dumah asked, leaning forward in her chair.

"He hangs up the phone when I walk in the room, he seems like he is avoiding me because of what happened," Hazel said, folding her arms across her chest.

"I'm assuming you asked him about this?" Dumah asked.

Hazel sighed; of course, she did, and all Jimmy kept saying was it was a work thing or a robocall, he never gave her a straight answer.

"Do you think he is cheating?" Hazel asked; she didn't wanna say it out loud, but something wasn't right.

"I think he knows better," Dumah said with a smile.

"I'm gonna ask him. Thanks, Dumah," Hazel said, leaving the office and heading home.

Jimmy had gotten Hazel a license to drive since he had to work, and she needed to get to her appointments.

Dean was waiting outside when Hazel got home.

"You ok?' Hazel asked, walking up to the house.

"Cas is weird," Dean said.

"So is Jimmy," Hazel said, unlocking the door and heading inside.

They walked to the kitchen, Hazel offered Dean a drink, he nodded and sat down at the counter.

"You don't think they are cheating, do you?" Dean asked.

"Dumah said Jimmy's too smart to do something that stupid, but I don't know I figured I would ask when he got home," Hazel said, sitting next to Dean.

Dean nodded to say he would ask Cas as well they had to be up to something if they both were being squirrelly. Hazel called John and asked him to keep Mary overnight. John was more than happy to keep her saying she was having a good time playing with the neighbor's daughter that was around the same age, and it was nice to hear laughing in the house. Hazel smiled. They had no idea John would take to being a grandpa so well.

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